India September 22, 2016: P.D. Hinduja Hospital & MRC is organizing its 13th Infectious Disease Certificate Course (IDCC) from September 19 – 24, 2016. The Infectious Disease Certificate Course is designed to help young and established medical professionals analyze information and developments associated with the diagnosis and management of various infectious diseases. The course is structured began with basic level courses, growing into more advanced level courses, all within the span of 6 days.
Further, with Diagnosis, Management & Prevention of Infectious Diseases being the major aim, the course will also focus on particular infectious diseases like Tuberculosis, HIV, Acute febrile illnesses, Infections in ICU/Immunocompromised, Organ Specific Infections, etc.
Dr. Camilla Rodrigues, Consultant Microbiologist & Chairperson Infection Control Committee, P. D. Hinduja Hospital said, “The IDCC course helps enhance skills of post-graduates in both medical and microbiology.”
Further explaining the importance of the course, Dr. Rajiv Soman, Consultant Physician, P. D. Hinduja Hospital said, “Infectious Disease Certificate Course (IDCC) is designed to train you in the principles and practice of infectious diseases & micro biology, including anti-microbial resistance, stewardship & latest developments.”
One of the main topics discussed during the sessions were Tuberculosis. Physicians from all across talked about how TB cases need to be detected which was presented in different scenarios; the basic tests that clinicians should undertake to detect TB. Dr. Gita Nataraj, Professor, Department of Microbiology, Seth G.S. Medical College & K.E.M Hospital, Mumbai said on TB treatment, “DST guided therapy is the need of the hour and in the quest for chasing Drug Resistant TB (DRTB), do not forget to manage Drug Susceptibility TB (DSTB).”
Dr. Sujeet Rajan, Chest Physician, Bombay Hospital said, “It is not just the individual but even the physician and government has an active role in the control and spread of TB. The aim of the every physician should to be to cure the patient with the minimum risk of infection.” Dr. Rajan also discussed how interruptions in treatment of TB are widespread across in a country like India and how the fraternity can develop a solution in curing these patients with right consultation and follow-ups. He also said that every patient should be educated on the side effects of each drug prescribed to them and encourage them to talk and ask questions during the treatment.
Dr. Zarir Udwdia, Chest Physician, P. D. Hinduja Hospital explained to the medical professionals the TB menace in India; the limitations of the present treatment; how to work around the expensive treatment of TB in India. He also laid down the basic principles of treatment of TB to be followed by each individual and discussed the latest WHO 2016 MDR guidelines.
Around 140 plus medical professionals from all over the country attended the course with lecturers from top medical professionals in the country. Other topics discussed and to be discussed include: Antiobiotic basic principles; Newer Antiobiotics; a panel discussion on Infection Control; ICU infections; post-operative infection; adult immunization and many more.
· Pic 1: Dr. F. D. Dastur, Director, Medical Education & Hospital Quality lighting the inagural lamp with Gautam Khanna, CEO, P. D. Hinduja Hospital on left
· Pic 2: Dr. Camilla Rodrigues, Consultant Microbiologist & Chairperson Infection Control Committee lighting the inaugural lamp with Dr. Rajiv Soman and CEO Gautam Khanna, P.D. Hinduja Hospital
· Pic 3: Dr. Rajiv Soman, Consultant Physician, P. D. Hospital talking at the 13th IDCC 2016
· Pic 4: Dr. Camilla Rodrigues, Consultant Microbiologist & Chairperson Infection Control Committee, P.D. Hinduja Hospital speaking at the 13th IDCC
· Pic 5: Medical professionals from all across the country attend the 13th IDCC 2016 at P.D. Hinduja Hospital