Bengaluru, September 28, 2016: In a bid to draw attention towards the plight of several Bengalureans who have been rendered homeless post the BBMP demolition drive, Namma Bengaluru Foundation (NBF) has written to the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka Shri. Siddharamaiah and to the Chief Secretary Shri. Aravind Jadhav. The letter highlights the clear need for the Government of Karnataka to take accountability and ownership of the situation by duly compensating the victims. The letter also brought forth some hard hitting facts highlighting the difficulties faced by innocent home buyers due to the criminal nexus between unscrupulous builders and corrupt officials. Along with the letter, NBF also submitted a petition to the Chief Minister, duly signed by 1400 concerned Bengalureans, demanding – no double standards in demolitions; compensation on humanitarian grounds and criminal prosecution against corrupt builders and officials.

Sridhar Pabbisetty, CEO, Namma Bengaluru Foundation said, “On grounds of humanity and as a moral responsibility towards people who have been affected by the demolition drive, Government must take cognizance and provide timely relief. We sincerely urge the Government of Karnataka to take concrete, corrective measures to help those in distress. Utmost priority should also be to penalize the builders and officials who have violated the law of the land with these projects.”
Early this month, members of Namma Bengaluru Foundation visited affected areas in all 8 zones of Bengaluru to spread a word on the fight for accountability and justice from the government. The organization received encouraging response from the people of Bengaluru, who want the State government to put an end to the menace of corruption, negligence and mal-governance.
About Namma Bengaluru Foundation (NBF): NBF is an organization working towards making Bengaluru a model city, with well-planned infrastructure, well laid out neighborhood community models and people-driven governance measures. NBF aims to be the voice of the people; a voice that needs to be heard in order for Bengaluru to become a truly Global City. Contact us on 080-41102757 or mail us on