Bengaluru 17th September 2016 : Marwari Yuva Manch Branches in Bangalore have planned to organize more than 25 Cancer Detection & Awareness Camp during September and October 2016. In line to these, camps have already been conducted in Peenya, More the 200 people were screened for Cancer at this camp.

Awareness about Cancer was also given to an equal number of people in each Camp. The Camp were visited by Chief Guest Mrs. Asha Suresh, Corporator. The Camp were Sponsored by Radheshyam Laminates (Amit Poddar / Bikash Poddar)– Convenor Mr. Bikash Poddar & Mrs. Pallabi Poddar- Organized by MYM Bangalore (R) Branch
The Cancer Detection Camp was organized to draw the attention of the public to the ill-effects of smoking, chewing tobacco and pan masala products. The purpose of the camp is to reach out to as many people and their families as possible, in different socio-economic sections of society and persuade them to go in for regular screening. During these camps, the people will be screened for cancer & motivate to adopt healthy lifestyle and QUIT SMOKING & TOBACCO for SAVING LIFE FROM CANCER.