India 13 September 2016: Giambattista Valli said, "The hardest thing in fashion is not to be known for a logo, but to be known for a silhouette." Fashion takes its inspiration from society and everyday life. While it is not easy being a woman, it is definitely never so being a women achiever. Fashion Designer Preeti Ghai has been honoured with the "Grehlakshmi Goodwill Ambassador Award 2016" by Diamond Magazines Pvt. Ltd.

Fashion Designer Preeti Ghai has been honoured with the Grehlakshmi Goodwill Ambassador Award 2016
Preeti Ghai is a social activist with a timeless Label (AMYRA) by her collection epitomizes a new kind of sophistication for today’s self-conscious woman. “My designs come from my heart as I design each piece to develop a special bond. Between the girl and her ensemble and every creation should reflect the spirit of time” claims Preeti Ghai. She is perfect in extracting the emotions of Indian culture and combining it with western sensibilities. Her ensemble presents eternal felinity draped in lush classism. Her journey into creative world was not planned, hailing from a family of professionals.
She believes in creating jobs and her motto is to make women self sufficient by providing them with skill and job as she has engaged most of the women staff in her production Unit. She believes in women empowerment and wanted to contribute by taking this pledge of Making women self sufficient. She strongly feels each of us should take this pledge helping women to be more independent and self reliant. Preeti Ghai is associated with many NGOs viz “Bachpan Bachao”, “Prayas” to name a few and recently with “Urja” which is a beautiful cause creating light.