Bengaluru, September 14, 2016: Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi was operated today at Narayana Health City in Bengaluru for the persistent cough, which has troubled him for over 40 years. The surgery corrected an anatomical abnormality of his oral-pharyngeal and palatal area, which was causing small amounts of saliva to trickle into his air passages whenever his nose breathing was affected by allergy or other factors. Prof. Dr. Paul C Salins, Medical Director & Vice President – Mazumdar Shaw Medical Center, Narayana Health City made the diagnosis initially on the basis of observing the pattern of his bouts of coughing; it was confirmed by detailed computer analytics of cephalometrics, modeling simulation, also dynamic MRI and Video Fluroscopic examinations. A restricted space for the movement of his tongue and an enlarged soft palate and uvula in relation to a slight increase in the volume of the tongue caused kinematic problems in function. The surgery involved correction of a significant septal spur by Dr.Suhel Hasan, Head of Oto-Laryngology and the palato-pharyngeal correction along with repositioning the tongue base relationship by reorganization of the chin area by Prof. Dr.Paul C. Salins assisted by Dr. Samarth Shetty and Dr. Praveen Ganesh of the Department of Craniofacial Surgery at Narayana Health City in Bengaluru. The aim of the correction was functional restoration rather than that of a disease.

The surgery was uneventful. Soon after recovery Mr. Arvind Kejriwal spoke to his family members and had a few sips of water. He is expected to be fully functional in a couple of days although recovery of such a long standing problem with its own functional accommodation will be gradual.
About Narayana Health
With all super-speciality tertiary care facilities that the medical world offers, Narayana Health is a one-stop healthcare destination for all.
From the first facility established in Bengaluru with approximately 225 operational beds in 2000, our Company has grown to 54 facilities (which includes 53 facilities in India and 1 facility in the Cayman Islands operated by our Company's associate company, Health City Cayman Islands Ltd.) with 5300 operational beds with a potential to reach over 6600 beds. Our Company has a network of 23 hospitals (multispeciality and superspeciality healthcare facilities which provide tertiary care services), 7 heart centres (superspeciality units which are set up in a third party hospital) and 23 primary care facilities (including clinics and information centres), across a total of 18 cities in India.
About Narayana Health City, Bengaluru:
NH Health City is located in Bommasandra, Bengaluru, which comprises of Narayana Institute of Cardiac Sciences (NICS), a superspecialty hospital for cardiology and cardiac surgery, and Mazumdar Shaw Medical Center (MSMC), a multispecialty hospital for cancer care, neurology and neurosurgery, nephrology, urology, and houses what we believe, is one of India's largest bone marrow transplant units. NH Health City operates a stem cell bank.