Mumbai, September 20, 2016: IFIM College, Bangalore is pleased to announce that the College has been graded ‘A’ by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore. This accreditation is valid for five years. NAAC is an autonomous body established by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India to assess and accredit institutions of higher education in the country.

The 17th Meeting of the Standing Committee was held on September 15,2016. A total of 330 colleges were approved by the NAAC with 141 in the 1st cycle, 132 in the 2nd cycle and 57 in the 3rd cycle. In the earlier system, NAAC graded the institutions for each key aspect under four categories, viz. - A, B, C and D, denoting very good, good, satisfactory and unsatisfactory levels respectively based on their CGPA. For example, a college with a CGPA score between 3.01 to 4 would be graded A, and so on.
In the new system however, colleges are graded on a seven-point scale – A++ (3.76 to 4.00 CGPA), A+ (3.51 - 3.75 CGPA), A (3.01 - 3.50), B++ (2.76 - 3.00 CGPA), B+(2.51 - 2.75 CGPA), B (2.51 - 2.75 CGPA), C(1.51 - 2.00 CGPA). Any institute getting a CGPA score equal to or below 1.50 will be marked as ‘not accredited’.
As per the latest accreditation, IFIM received a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.01. IFIM College offers MBA, M. Com., BBA, B. Com., BCA and BA Journalism.
Mr. Sanjay Padode, Secretary – CDE (IFIM Institutions) said, “This is a very proud moment for us. We have set a benchmark for ourselves by being one of the first colleges to get a NAAC accreditation in the first 6 years since its inception. This certainly attests that continuous hard work proves fruitful.”
About IFIM College:
IFIM College offers world-class education by nurturing human values, ethics and by imparting knowledge, which emphasizes on life skills. The College supports a unique system of education structured on Bangalore University syllabi, combining the tenets of academic excellence and corporate professionalism. The College is proud of its enviable academic ambience that assures highest learning-resource support for achieving optimal learning outcomes.