Weight loss is the new Fad in today's world. Studies have shown that exercising in the morning keeps you in a good mood the whole day. Here are 10 simple morning exercises that will help you feel great the whole day long.

1. Go for a Run or Walk:
Going for a run outside is better than running on a treadmill, as it lets you breathe some fresh air, free from pollution and provides good things for your heart, lungs and mind. Running in the morning helps you to connect with nature.

2. Biking:
One of the best cardio exercise to burn calories. If you are looking for an effective endurance training for your leg muscles then biking is for you. Biking helps develop and tone your thigh muscles while running concentrates on toning mainly your calf muscles and shins. Biking in the morning helps in building endurance.
3. Circuit Training:
Circuit is basically high intensity aerobics which targets strength building and muscle endurance. In circuit training you do all the exercises that complete one circuit and then repeat the circuit all over again with only short breaks between the circuits so that the body warms up. Some of the circuit exercises you can try are burpees, squat jumps, plank lifts, and hand walks. Circuit training helps in burning 30% more calories than your regular concentrated workouts. Circuits are most effective when you are full of energy, which is in the morning. Circuit training is sure to help you burn those calories more quickly.

4. Kickboxing:
Kickboxing is one of the best morning exercise for weight loss. Kickboxing is sure to make you stronger and lose those extra pounds but these moves can be used in self-defense as well. There are many fun kickboxing workouts available online. It is always good to join a kickboxing class for initial training so that you know the basics.
5. Yoga:
Early morning at the time of sunrise is known to be the best and also the most appropriate time to do yoga asanas. Make sure you do yoga on an empty stomach to get its benefits. Yoga helps in toning the body but it also useful in strengthening the internal organs as you practice breathing techniques in yoga.
6. Surya Namaskar:
You burn as much as 13.91 calories approx in a single Surya Namaskar. Daily 30 minutes of Surya Namaskar in the morning about 15 rounds can burn nearly about 278-280 calories.There are many variations of this amazing exercise, you can choose the one which you are comfortable with. The best time to do Surya Namaskar is at the time of sunrise. Surya Namaskars not only burn fat but are a full body workout which tones the whole body.

7. Stretching Exercises:
Stretching exercises are very essential in your daily workout routine.When we sleep our body rests and proteins get collected in the joints, hence It is essential to stretch your muscles and work your joints to prevent joint pain. Stretching exercises also help in toning your muscles. Always include stretching exercises into your workout regime.
8. Pranayama:
Pranayama are breathing exercises. There are many types of pranayama like Kumbhaka Pranayama, Ujjayi Pranayama, Mrigi Mudra etc. Practicing Pranayama on a daily basis keeps you fit and young. Pranayama promotes weight loss as deep inhalation fills your lungs with fresh oxygen that gets transferred to all body cells. This increases oxidation and helps in burning fat cells. Pranayama is practiced as a part of yoga asanas. This also needs to be practiced on an empty stomach.
9. Kapalbhati Pranayama:
Kapalbhati Pranayama is a breathing techniques that exert profound physiological effects on cardiovascular, and mind also. Kapalbhati Pranayama is one of the simplest techniques to cure all types of diseases using pranayama. This pranayama helps to lose fat from the stomach area. For starters you can, do this exercise for 3 minutes and then slowly keep progressing up to 10 minutes. The ideal way is to do 700 counts of Kapalbhati every day.
10. Nadi Pranayama or Anulom-Vilom:
Another common Pranayama is Nadi Pranayama or Anulom-Vilom which is very easy to do and can be done by anyone. Anulom-Vilom helps in regulating your breathing. It is very helpful in respiratory related diseases like Asthama. Anulom-Vilom is good for weight loss and muscle toning. Breathing exercises forms an important part of Anulom-Vilom which increases oxidation and helps in burning fat cells.
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