- Cardio Procedure involving first time in Mumbai use of Trans esophageal echo 3D technology
Mumbai, 12th August, 2016: Cumballa Hill Hospital situated in south Mumbai recently conducted a path breaking heart surgery on a 23 year old man, Shahzad Ansari with a complex heart defect, using the latest 3 D heart technology treated by heart surgeons Dr. Parthasarthy and Dr. Rachmale.

Nine months earlier he underwent heart surgery for these defects at another city hospital, but it was unsuccessful and he continued to have serious heart symptoms. The patient had severe leakage in the upper heart valve called the aortic valve and a hole in the aorta which was opening into the right heart chamber. The only solution was a repeat surgery with exact correction of all defects. Being a repeat surgery after the earlier unsuccessful one at another city hospital, this was a very complicated high risk one.
Dr. Saurab Goel, Head of Cardiology and Dr Kalpana Shah, Senior Heart anesthetist performed a special procedure in the Operation theatre prior to the surgery. After putting the patient under general anesthesia, a special heart echo probe was placed in the food pipe behind the heart and the exact location and size of the defects was mapped using advanced Trans esophageal echo 3 D technology.
Talking about the complication, Dr Parthasarthy says that the challenge of the case was to reach the heart after removing the scars of the previous surgery and correcting the defects precisely. This was possible by the 3 D echo information and the hole was successfully sealed and the valve replaced by an artificial valve. After the successful repair before completing the closure of the chest in the OT, Dr Saurab Goel and Dr Shah confirmed complete correction of all defects by another 3 D echo performed through the food pipe.
After 5 hours of intense surgery, the doctors confirmed that the patient made a complete recovery and is doing well after the procedure.