India 20 August 2016: For the second time in India, the International Organisation Development Association (IODA) is holding its international conference with the theme ‘Future Forward –OD in the changing global landscape’ in Mysore, from August 22 to 27, 2016. The pre-conference will be held on August 22 and 23, 2016.

The world body has zeroed in on Mysore as it intends to understand emerging economies which are in the process of creating new thought waves and innovation. Realising that businesses are increasingly global and not confined by boundaries, the very core of an organisation is undergoing seismic changes. In view of this dynamic organisation development, the IODA believes that constant interaction among professionals would go a long way in understanding and managing organisation development.
Foundation for Research, Education and Development (FRED) is the conference organizer, which is supported by various academic institutions as academic partners like Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) Mumbai, Bharathidasan Institute of Management (BIM) Trichy, and Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore. The Corporate partners are Rane Group and TVS Motors.

The President of IODA, Suzanne Zaldivar from USA states that IODA which is a non-profit association supporting organisation development practice, processes and people around the world intends to look at new models in emerging economies. IODA intends to share resources and sharpen OD practices; cultivate relationships and global network.
Dr. Mohanakrishnan Raman – Director – FRED, the Conference Chair, and Vice President - Conferences and Events of IODA, said that OD will play a critical role like never before and OD practitioners will lead the change, a change that has unprecedented ramifications for future generations. The three-day conference which begins on August 24 will deliberate upon ‘’Relevance of the Triple Bottom Line – is this sustainable”; How is OD influencing businesses in the volatile economic scenario; and ‘Embracing technology to enhance the impact of OD”.
The Conference also hosts two day workshop on “Consultation and Intervention Skills (22 & 23 August) and one day workshop on “Personal Transformation Clinic, using Yogic Practices” (23 August)
For further details contact: Dr. Mohanakrishnan - Ph : 94483 66589