India 31 August 2016: Godrej Cinthol tells the world that women are Ready for Awesome
The video is the brainchild of the cinthol team and creativeland asia
Are women awesome? Although the answer will be a resounding ‘Yes’, but it should be noted that it all started with women saying a simple, ‘No’.
Saying no to the naysayers.
No to the stereotypes.
No to obstacles.
No to the limitations.

Cinthol’s latest campaign, #ReadyForAwesome is a celebration of that very defiant spirit. The film takes sports as a metaphor to depict today’s women who are poised to own the world against all odds. It’s an ode to the women, who don’t believe in giving excuses, and consider the world a stage to show their skills, their talents. The film forms the perfect pedestal for the brand to introduce their range of fragrances for women and bring alive the entity of Cinthol Women.

Shot from a point-of-view perspective, the film takes us through the training routine of female athletes. It is supported with a narrative that captures the bold spirit of women, rejecting all societal constructs. The treatment cues that even though it’s the journey of these athletes, it could actually be anyone’s journey. Anyone, who’s ready to take on the world. Anyone who is ready to follow their heart. Anyone who is ready to do the awesome. And when we translate this spirit in the Cinthol tone of “Alive is Awesome”, we call it #ReadyForAwesome.

On the launch of the Cinthol women’s range, Ajay Dang, Head Marketing, Godrej Consumers Products Ltd., says, “The latest #ReadyforAwesome film is yet another digital innovation from our flagship brand Cinthol. The video is not just about sports; it’s a metaphor for today’s woman who is ready to accept challenges and deliver on her own terms. It’s an ode to all women who want to achieve their dreams under any circumstance. We believe that this communication will relate to our female target audience and instill a sense of pride for their achievements."
The inspirational video immediately strikes an emotional connect and leaves one with thought provoking lines, urging every woman to overcome every obstacle and face the real world, it goes something like this:
No. I don’t get any beauty sleep.
No. I don’t listen to them. The neighbours, or the neighbour’s, neighbours.
No. I don’t care about the looks, the stares, the doubts.
No. I never wished to be a man.
Nor do I wait...Wait for the right moment, or the right man.
No. I don’t hide my tears or my fears.
No. I don’t worry about what I wear or what I don’t.
No. I don’t wait for the night to become day.
No. I don’t think about the nots and the ifs and the nevers.
No. I don’t give any excuses. And I never will. I’m ready.
I am #ReadyForAwesome.
On the campaign idea and film execution, Anu Joseph, Chief Creative Officer, Creativeland Asia Pvt. Ltd., adds, “Women in sport have now taken centre-stage in India. Sport is a precursor of what’s coming and perhaps the most symbolic of all bastions to be felled by women. Indian women, in all walks of life, are Ready for Awesome. There’s no holding them back. Sorry, they aren’t listening. And Cinthol Women is a reflection of this palpable spirit.”
Conceptualised by Creativeland Asia, the film has been directed by Karthik Ramnathkar and produced by Balls Worldwide.