American Hospital Dubai extends services to include outpatient treatment for MetLife medical cardholders in the UAE

UAE, August 8, 2016 - The American Hospital Dubai, one of the region’s leading private hospitals and a healthcare pioneer, and MetLife, a leading global provider of life insurance, annuities and employee benefits programs, have signed an agreement to extend the current medical services to include outpatient care and treatment for MetLife’s Gold cardholders, at the hospital’s main campus and its Dubai Media City Clinic.

American Hospital Dubai extends services to include outpatient treatment for MetLife medical cardholders in the UAE

American Hospital Dubai extends services to include outpatient treatment for MetLife medical cardholders in the UAE

One of the major aims of the American Hospital Dubai is to create affordable access to high quality services for patients in the local and regional community. The new agreement with MetLife will bring all the benefits such as direct billing to a much larger community of primary care patients, as the hospital continues to expand facilities and services, through the campus and the hospital’s primary care clinic at Dubai Media City.

The American Hospital Dubai works with around 80 international and local insurance companies, directly or indirectly. Around half of all the hospital’s patients are covered by insurance. Insurers also refer complex cases from around the region to the American Hospital Dubai, as a regional center of excellence with strong tertiary care capabilities, including The Heart Center, and the Orthopedics and Total Joint Replacement Center, as well as the new Advanced Rehabilitation Unit.

Mr. Peter Makowski, Chief Executive Officer of the American Hospital Dubai, commented: “Insurance is central to the provision of high quality private healthcare and hospitals and insurers must work together effectively to create access to services. We have enjoyed a close working relationship with MetLife for many years and we are delighted to extend this partnership with this new agreement, which will ensure further access to our high quality services.”

Mr. Theodor Alexandrescu, General Manager at MetLife Gulf, added: “Health insurance is a greatly valued employee benefit in the UAE, as also highlighted by the findings and insight from MetLife studies involving a broad range of employers and employees in the UAE. The American Hospital Dubai provides high quality, US standards of healthcare, which will add to the extensive range of benefits and services we offer to our insured members