Mumbai 1st July 2016: The governing council of voice of healthcare had its organizational annual meeting recently.
The meeting was chaired by chairman of VOH Dr. Naveen Nishchal & attended by Mr. Afzal Kamal, General Secretary, Mr. Manish Rastogi Joint Secretary & esteemed Members.
The council intensely deliberated for long hours on healthcare issues ranging from falling standard of medical educations to increasing expectation & aspiration of patients.
The chairman Mr. Naveen Nischal pointed out glaring contrast between industry efforts for best international quality accreditations on one side & lack of basic healthcare facilities across India for rural & urban poor population on other side.
All the members of the council emphasized over an active role of VOH in improving the rural & urban healthcare standards in association with all the industry bodies, Healthcare NGOs, various govt. health departments. The council was unanimous on plugging the chronicle gaps in healthcare service delivery through all possible resources like technology, media etc.
The council also expressed its willingness to work with international healthcare organizations like UN, WHO etc. to coordinate as well as spearhead their healthcare programs in India.
The council concluded its meeting with its earnest request to govt to ensure public & industry friendly healthcare reforms as well as to declare of Right to Healthcare as fundamental right.