#GiftaMask to Traffic Police - the worst Victims of Air Pollution
Swara Bhaskar, Vir Das, Vivek Oberoi, KalkiKoechlin and GovindNamdev star in HawaBadlo’s new video which is already rocking the internet space.
India 20 July 2016: After the three year old, Samreen melting our hearts from her kind gesture of gifting a mask to the traffic policeman,now we have Bollywood celebrities asking you to act now by gifting a mask to the traffic police –who are also one of the worst victims of Outdoor Air Pollution

Swara Bhaskar, Vir Das, Vivek Oberoi, KalkiKoechlin and Govind Namdev, all came together in the video by iKarmik for HawaBadlo to address a major topic that has been neglected by all of us since so long. Awaking, alertingand alarming the audience all around about Air pollution and its adverse effects on the unsung heroes of the society the traffic policemen, the celebs talk about what generally the people say and feel about the traffic cops.
The celebs ask that while we keep on cursing the traffic policemen when they fine/challan us for not wearing helmet , using mobiles while driving or jumping the signal, can we stop for a moment and admit that the fault lies with us only.As we hate to admit this, we blame them for what? For working with full dedication in every conditions?For putting their health at risks?All of that too, just for our smooth functioning? Are they that bad that they do not deserve fresh air to breathe in? The celebs mentioned some common problems that the traffic policemen face like Asthma, bronchitis, anemia and loss of hearing which are far away from our knowledge. Further the video informs that 59% of Traffic Cops have complaints of thick sputum, 56% of them have been living with perennial joint pains and 45% of them suffer from shortness of breath. As asked by the celebs, it is high time for each one of us to pay back the traffic policemen for their dedication and hardwork they have done for us, by tweeting #GiftAMask
Nipun Arora, Founder, HawaBadlo said “After a big hit of our previous video initiative of a three year old gifting a mask and people’s reaction on it, we are sure that people do care. Lack of awareness is the root cause of people not being able to do anything for their society and the environment. We at HawaBadlo aim at spreading awareness amongst people and motivating them to work for their society and the environment. The #GiftAMask is just an initiative for the traffic cops. The video informs people about the problems that the traffic cops go through everyday and Team HawaBadlo asks everyone of you to use the #GiftAMask on twitter. With every tweet you do with the hashtag, Team HawaBadlo with GAIL (India) Limited will gift masks to traffic cops on your behalf.”
Indranil Das, Spokesperson for HawaBadlo, GAIL (India) Limited said, “The participation of such proclaimed actors in the video itself describes that the initiative is being adapted by the people. The celebs are aware about the alarming conditions of Air around us and the fact that they are willing to spread awareness amongst fellow country citizens is what HawaBadlo has been aiming to; Spreading awareness and helping people to do their bit for the nation rather than waiting for someone else to do it for us”
#GiftAMask, #Changetheair, #HawaBadlo and #RaavanKoRoko are just a few preventions but the cure still is changing the air by using greener fuels like natural gas and making it breathable.
About the Movement
HawaBadlo is an independent people’s movement spearheaded by a Gurgaon based startup Social Cloud Ventures with intent to change the air quality level and make country more breathable. Initiative is supported by GAIL (India) Limited to help the group, in building a sustainable environment for the young India. GAIL, the youngest Maharatna saw huge value in the radical ideas of HawaBadlo team and decided to support and empower the idea to become a national movement.
The movement aims at motivating people to commit towards air-friendly habits like switching to CNG/electric vehicles, carpooling, and use of public transport. In the initial year, team is focusing to work primarily in areas of Delhi NCR and bring a change. For more updates about the movement, follow HAWA BADLO on Facebook.com/hawabadlo Or Twitter handle @hawabadlo.