The Art Of Rational Property Negotiation

  Ashwinder Raj Singh, CEO - Residential Services, JLL India

Pune, 7 July, 2016: The dictionary definition of negotiation is 'a dialogue between two or more people or parties with the intention of reaching a beneficial outcome'. When applied to real estate, it would be 'a dialogue between a buyer and a seller with regards to a property intended to benefit both when a deal is struck'. The buyer should be able to buy his house within his budget or at the best possible price, while the seller/builder should be able to earn a decent profit on selling his product even after giving discounts and other benefits to the buyer.

The Art Of Rational Property Negotiation

Rational Negotiation Or Senseless Haggling? 

There is serious negotiation, and there is senseless haggling. Bargaining with a grocer for a discount of few rupees is very different from negotiating for a property. The latter involves a large investment-grade asset and requires a carefully thought-out strategy which accounts for the abilities of a seasoned veteran negotiator on the other side of the table. There also needs to be sufficient acceptance room for alternate results to the discussion.  

There are differences of scale and stakes between gully cricket and a test match between the national team and the best of the international players, and both need be approached in that light.

When To Negotiate, And When Not To

Before embarking on the course of serious negotiation with a real estate seller, a buyer needs to do thorough homework. This would include: a background check of the builder/seller, the prevailing market conditions, the pros and cons of one's own budget and the qualities and condition of the property one intends to buy. If it is a new project, the builder is likely to be comfortable with his prospects of striking a good deal on the units, as there are many potential buyers in the fray. In such a case, one can negotiate but not by much, and the price reduction may not completely be to one’s expectations.

The potential for strong negotiation increases in the case of an older project with several remnant units not getting sold, or if the builder is in a tough financial situation and needs to liquidate his investment. The bottom line is - before negotiating, do your groundwork about the project, its developer, his overall credibility and track record of previous projects, the location and property prices in the vicinity, and the overall trends in the property market.

Can Negotiation Really Get You The Best Deal? 

Negotiation has definite merits, but a lot depends on the external factors. Primarily, the most defining factor is whether it is a buyer’s or a seller’s market. In a seller’s market, there are fewer sellers and more buyers, so the chances of getting hefty discounts are minimal. In a buyers’ markets, there are a lot of properties and fewer buyers, so the probability of extracting major discounts and attractive deals from the developers active there is high. 

How To Negotiate 

There is a science behind the art of negotiation, which can only be perfected after practicing it a few times. Let’s have a look at the basic procedure of negotiation:

·         Research: Do diligent research about the project. The launch price, current market price of the property along with prices of contemporary properties in the market should be looked into. The project’s strengths and weaknesses, along with those of the builder, should be studied

·         Opening Gambit: It is important to know that no developer will react favourably if one starts negotiating by quoting an unrealistically low price compared to the offered price. An average acceptable figure is 15% lower than the quoted selling price. One can go up a little from there, but whether to do so and by how much should be strongly influenced by the findings of one's initial research. The opening gambit should clearly convey that one is genuinely interested in closing the deal. One must position oneself as a serious buyer and discuss the execution of the deal, rather than contemplating options in front of the developer. In short, it is important to convey that one has already evaluated the options and is looking to close the deal provided the pricing is right. 

·         What To Avoid: Never put down the property or point out its flaws while negotiating. Rather than focussing on any negative news or shortcomings of the project, focus on the positive aspects and how you can be a serious customer for the builder

·         When To Stop Negotiating: Once a price which is close to one's budget is arrived at, one should stop bargaining. Even if the final price arrived at is not the one which one has in mind, the builder may offer additional benefits not available in the public offer which can add very good value to the deal. The 'stretchability' of every negotiation has a breaking point, and one should never go as far as to breach that point.

How To Gauge Developer’s Willingness To Negotiate 

Before entering negotiation, study whether the builder/seller is willing to bargain at all. Get a clear picture of his financial situation with the help of informed consultants and brokers. Also inquire about the unsold inventories stuck with the builder. Study if the listed prices on the builder's website and other real estate websites have decreased over time, and by how much. Such pre-knowledge will help in establishing beforehand if the builder is doing a distress sale or is ready to wait for the right buyer to pay the price that he expects.

Letting Your Broker Do The Negotiating

A brokers’ job is to get the best deal not only for the buyers or sellers, but for the sake of their own commissions and repeat business. Also, a broker is definitely better equipped than an individual buyer in terms of knowledge about prevailing market conditions and a particular developer/seller's status. A broker makes a living by negotiation, and speaks the same language as sellers. Letting a broker be in the driver’s seat for negotiation can prove to be a game-changer, either at the very outset of the process or at a later stage if one's own efforts have gone off-course and/or hit a dead-end. 

Finally, it should be understood that negotiation while buying a property is expected and therefore an absolute must. The way to embark on and conclude a successful property negotiation is to be properly prepared with the requisite knowledge, ammunition and strategy.