Gurugram 8 July, 2016: In the present times, the field of managemnet is wrought with immense possibilities and international exposure to the students can simply multiply such opportunities. One of the established academic institutions in India, the JK Business School, Gurugram, organises an annual programme of academic exchnage to Poland for selected students so as to provide international exposure to their brilliant students. The selected students gather valuable information from these visits and also get to interact on an international platform. The J K business School has recently signed a memorandum of understanding with an international institution namely, Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland. This Univeristy will provide an opportunity for the students of JK Business School to study there as part of the summer programme.This Agreement has further strengthened the academic exchange between the two reputed institutions. As part of this initiative, five students form the JK Business School, Joslin Mary Joseph, Prateek Bajpai, Tania Khanna, Pranav Shahi and Shreyash Joshi have been sponsored for the summer programme in Poland. These students were visibly excited on getting this opportunity. The faculty and the senior students of the School had organised a warm send-off for these students.