New Delhi 29 July 2016 :There is no dearth of opportunities for the students in the field of management--the only thing required is providing international exposure to them. When a college students starts an internship with any organisation or a company, that is the first time that he gets an opportunity to learn about the practicalities of the business world.To provide this unprecedented quality exposure to the students, New Delhi Institute of Management, one of the leading B-schools in India has sent some of its students to Egypt. The NDIM has signed an Agreement with ABDA Creative Agency to work towars provding this opportunity to their students.Some of the NDIM students have already reached Egypt for thier 8-week internship, where they are learning the principles of Managment from an international perspective while working on various projects. The students are also practising cross-cultural management as part of this internship. This first step by the NDIM will go along way in providing a new direction to the careers of thier students.