New Delhi 20 July 2016: The management field is bursting with opportunities now-a-days, and the one and only thing required is to provide international exposure to the students. Such exposure helps provide new directions to the students’ career options. To meet this particular emerging needs of the Managemnet Students, one of the leading Business School, the J K Business School, Gurugram, has sent some of it students to Poland. The JKBS and the Internationally established and recognised institution, namely Wroclaw University of Economics have signed a an Agreement for Student Exchange Programme whereby both the institutions will get opportunitis to learn about international dimnsions of their programmes on offer. As part of this programme, recently, five students form J K B S, namley, Joslin Mary Joseph, Prateek Bajpai, Tania Khanna, Pranav Shahi & Shreyash Joshi have already reched Poland. These students are studying management with the Professors at the Worklaw University. During this programme, there will be a special fcous on cross-Cultural programme for the students. This first attempt from the JKBS students will go a long way in establishing them in the international arena.