Mumbai 31 July 2016: Love is about sharing each other’s feelings and letting each other know how much you really care. When you're in a relationship with someone, it's necessary to express your feeling to have a healthy relationship. The best way to show someone you really care for them is by words and how your actions make them feel special. You don't need to be all flashy to get your message across, there are many simple ways you can express your feelings.

Say "I love you." :
This is the most simple way of expressing your feelings to your loved ones. You can make these three magical words sound a bit more romantic by playing around with words. So instead of a plain I love you, you can say “I feel lucky that I have you,” or "I’m really happy you’re in my life,” or “I love you for being you." These words have more meaning to why you love partner than the just plain I love you.
Let them know they are important to you :
A good way of expressing your feelings to your partner is, to let them know about the positive impact they have on your life. For instance you had a bad day at work and just when you get home your partner smiles and greets you and it makes you forget your worries, then let them know about it. If your partner makes your life better or easier, letting them know their influence on making your life better, lets them know they are wanted, valued, and loved.
Be vulnerable :
To have a healthy relationship you need to vulnerable, which means you should be expressing your thoughts wholeheartedly and do not reserve any feelings. When you are vulnerable and you express wholeheartedly and keep no secrets comes the possibility of being criticized, hurt, rejected, etc. by your loved one. The important thing to remember is if you love someone, you opening up and wholeheartedly sharing your feeling, expresses to your partner that them knowing the real you is worth the risk of you getting hurt. It is you who are making a self-sacrifice of security, for a deeper connection with them.
Ask for advice from your partner :
When you ask for advice from your partner it shows them that their opinion matters to you. It means you look to them for guidance, and it lets them know what an important role they play in your life. which is a step in making your relationship stronger. Taking your partners opinion on serious matters or simple matters lets them know that you are interested in their opinion, and want to know how they would approach something allows them to see the respect you have for them.
Vent your feelings to each other :
When your partner is obviously upset, worried, or concerned about something, ask them to vent and share their feelings with you. This helps your partner to pour out their emotions in front of you which in turn makes your bond stronger. Make sure while your partner is venting out their feeling you need to provide your 100% attention and not be distracted by your phone or any other distraction. Be focused to how they’re feeling when telling you what is worrying them, and give thoughtful opinion on the situation. A meaningful hug helps a lot in such situations.
Share your secrets with each other :

People don't share their secrets with just anyone, they only share it with the ones whom they trust. Trust plays a very important role in any relationship. When you share your secrets with your partner you are actually telling them that you trust them more than anyone. Sharing secrets creates an inner circle of just you two, creating a stronger bond between you and your partner.
Always be honest :

Sometimes when you know the truth will hurt your partners feelings, it gets very difficult to be honest. However, speaking the truth, even when you know it's gonna hurt your partners feelings, increases your ability to level and find connection with your partner. It shows that you would rather be truthful and real, than being fake and comforting your partner. By being honest in situations where you know its not gonna be very comfortable is a sign of respect to your partner.
Encourage your partner :

Eachone of us have dreams and goals in life and we want to achieve them. So it's very important that we understand that our partners dreams and goals in life are as important as ours and we should always be encouraging and supporting them. When you encourage and support your partner in achieving their dreams and goals you strengthen your partner to be the best version of themselves and chase after their dreams. Simple words of encouragement like "I believe that you can do this," "You're a hard worker, and that hard work is going to get recognized," or "All of your efforts are going to pay off soon." Your encouragement and support for achieving you partners goals and pushing for their success shows your love in words of reinforcement.
Write a love letter :

This is an old school romantic way of expressing your feelings for your loved one. Writing a letter helps you recollect all the good times and helps you to put it down. While writing a letter mention stories and memories that bring back good feelings. Just remember to write what you love about them, how they make you feel, and why you're happy to be with them. Also handwritten letters have their own personal touch which typed notes don't have.
Listen attentively :
When your partner is speaking make sure you listen to them attentively and give a meaningful reply. When you really listen to someone, you are focused on only that person, giving them your full and undivided attention. listening attentively is a very powerful act of caring which shows you are there to help your partner through whatever they are dealing with. Listening attentively to your partner shows your partner that your a team and you are always there for them.
Carry out acts of service :
Small things that you can do to lower the burden of responsibilities on your loved one will speak volumes as to how much you love them. Doing simple tasks like giving them breakfast in bed, or washing their dishes shows your loved one you are always thinking about them and you care for them.
Be considerate :
When you think about your partner in everything you do is to be considerate to them. Making decisions keeping your partner in mind shows your partner that you care for them. Small instances like if you're going camping, then carry extra sleeping mats for your partner, because you know they have a hard time sleeping on the ground. Another example is if you're going on a picnic, take some extras of your loved ones favorite snack and surprise them.
Make time for quality interactions :
We all are so busy in our life that we get wrapped up in it and find it difficult to spend quality time with our partners. Setting a side quality time just for you two is very important to have a healthy relationship. As it shows your partner that they are your top priority. You can use this time to share a light moment with each other, go on a walk, or make dinner together. It really doesn't matter how much time you have spent together but the quality of the time you'll spent is what matters.
Keep your inner child alive :
Life as an adult tends to get monotonous and boring thats exactly when you need to set out your inner child. This will help you to include surprises in your life, be spontaneous and try new things. When you keeping things fun in your relationship, it shows that you are working to always have an enjoyable time with your partner. Best way to do this is to go on an adventure travel or enjoy and play video games.
Touch your partner affectionately :
Small things like holding hands, playful touches on the arm, or putting your head on their shoulder, are small ways to express your feelings of closeness and love to your partner. Small affectionate touches can show your love in a subtler, physical way. But make sure not to make your partner uncomfortable.
Give hugs :
Hugging your partner makes them feel like they are literally wrapped up in love. Hugs are easy to give and are appropriate to give in public, which makes them ideal for you to tell your partner you love them in front of the world. The most romantic hugs are hugs given with both hands and facing your partner. A good long hug like for 5 to 7 seconds is enough to express your feelings to your partner.
Cuddle with your partner :
A nice cuddle time at night will make your partner forget about their daily worries. Cuddles just like hugs communicate to your partner how much you care for them and love them. Don’t be afraid to show your love with touch. Touching is just another way people can sense love.
Give your partner a massage :
After a hard day at work any body would love to get a massage as it helps to relax the body and mind. So giving your partner a massage they will surely appreciate it. Massage can be as simple as rubbing your partner’s back while you two watch a movie, running your fingers through your partners hair, or having your them lay back, and place their head in your lap as you massage their shoulders and neck.