India 31 July 2016: Expressing Your Feelings to Your Crush :
Be confident :

You need to be confident while expressing your feelings to your crush. And very importantly you need to be yourself and don't pretend to be someone you are not. When you feel that you are lost for words, you can just compliment your crush, it is sure to make them feel good. Or you can ask them about themselves. The easiest things to talk about with your crush are things you both have in common, like classes, places you've traveled, or favorite restaurants. Talking about things you have in common will help lighten the mood and help you relax and gain confidence.
Express your feelings through body language :

Touching the one you love is a sign of closeness. So, a subtle way to tell your crush that you like them is to break the touch barrier. Simple touches are the best way to express your feelings towards your crush. A little bit of a physical touch will let your crush know that you like them. Touching your crush just once or twice during a conversation is sufficient enough to let your crush know how you're feeling. A few simple ways to express your feeling through touch is like if you’re in a conversation with your crush or passing by them, you can give them a light touch on the upper arm. If you’re sitting right next to your crush, you can casually let your feet or knees touch every once and smile to show your feelings.
Write a letter :

This is an old school romantic way of expressing your feelings for the person you love. Sometimes it's hard to express your feelings verbally thats when this methods comes handy. you can begin your love letters with, "I've really enjoyed getting to know you better over these past couple of months" or "I just wanted to let you know that over this past year, you have become one of my best friends". Also handwritten letters have their own personal touch which typed notes don't have.
Keep it light :

You can start your letter with a casual joke that you two share. From there, you can go straight to the point, and explain the reason for writing the letter, telling your crush how you feel for them. You can say that in a very simple way like "I just wanted to tell you that I like you, and I really like hanging out with you." Make sure to keep your letter short and sweet and wait back for your crushes reply.
Tell your crush your feelings in person :

The best way to express your feelings to your crush is to talk to them in person and letting them know of your feelings. To have this talk pick a place that's stress-free where it would be appropriate to talk alone, make eye contact, and simply tell your crush how you feel. You can start of the talk with something like "I really like you. Nobody makes me laugh like you do." once you tell your crush how you feel, give them time to react and process what you've just said. Don't immediately ask them how they feel or what they think.
Respond appropriately :
After expressing your feelings and getting a reply make sure you reply appropriately. Your crush will either say that they share your feelings, or want to just stay friends. If it's an yes dont be afraid to show your excitement. It's okay to be silly after you and your crush tell each other how you'll feel. But if the answer is the other one, then please act mature and say something like, "Okay, I just wanted to let you know." It will hurt you, but it's always good to leave a good impression.
A few tips
Take ownership of your feelings it's perfectly natural to call for someone and to let them know about your feelings for them.
Dont over do it, don't go and express your feelings to someone ten times a day. It will lose its meaning.
Be yourself, dont change yourself for the person you love. Keep doing the things you love to do, and the things that make you original and unique.
Don't feel down if the reply is not in your favor and your crush doesn't share your feelings. Accept it maturely, move on, and continue to be a good friend. You never know if they'll start to share the same feeling later on.