· Social Gloaters – 40% of travellers admit to uploading photos to social media to show off
· Tasty Food Over Tourist Attractions –Restaurants most searched for content on holidays by 80% of Indian Travellers
· Exploring local charms – Indian travellers spend almost double their time sightseeing as compared to sun bathing

Chandigarh, 8th July 2016: While travelling, Hotels.com™ Mobile Travel Tracker survey has revealed that travellers spend 50% more time glued to their smartphone than to their sunbed. This global study of 9,200 travellers across 31 countries, reveals that while away on a holiday we turn into social media show offs, use mobile to search for our next meal and have Facebook Face-Offs with our travel companions.The survey further reveals that while on a holiday, 95% of Indian travellers a spend majority of their time on Facebook as compared to other social media channels.
Indians choose smartphones over sunbeds while vacationing
When you think of a vacation, you conjure up the image of spending hours relaxing around the pool, or exploring the sights and attractions of a new city. The reality however, for global and Indian travellers is that, they spend more time glued to their smartphone than on their sunbed. On an average Indians spend only two hours a day topping up their tan, as compared to three and a half hours a day glaring at their mobile devices.
Social show offs
Mobile Travel Tracker survey by Hotels.com reveals that 40% of global travellers admit to uploading photos to social media just to show off and 27% admit to checking into places on social media just to make friends feel jealous.
Indian travellers typically spend on an average of two and half hours a day on social media channels, with Facebook leading the list. Instead of relaxing and enjoying themselves on a vacation, most travellers still have a real case of FOMO (fear of missing out) – which compels them to comment on friends’ posts just so they don’t miss out on anything while they’re away.
Facebook Face-Off
The Mobile Travel Tracker* study reveals that 95% of Indian travellers spend time on Facebook as compared to other social media channels. While Facebooking, Indian travellers tend to engage in a ‘Facebook-Face-Off’with their travel companions which compels them to compare their social posts with that of their travel buddies.
Searching for our next meal
Food is a very important factor for Indian travellers. Most Indian travellers admitted that their mobile device was their primary source of information while away. When it comes to searching for content,Indian travellers search for tasty food options over top attractions. The survey reveals that restaurants and food markets are the most popular searches (80%).
We are a generation of foodie travellers, with twice as many people searching to find the best restaurant than the best beach. The most popular content searched by global travellers while away:
1. Restaurants and food markets – 63%
2. Tourist Attractions – 59%
3. Maps and Directions – 53%
4. Public Transport – 33%
5. Local Beaches – 32%
Appy Holidays
The Mobile Travel Tracker* study reveals that 28% of global travellers only select a hotel if it offers free Wi-Fi, so being connected is important to today’s modern traveler. It seems when it comes to their app behavior, they’re either posting on Facebook/ Instagram, getting lost in a destination or messaging people to say they’re having the time of their life. The top five app categories used while traveling are:
1. Social Media (60%)
2. Mapping (45%)
3. Messaging (44%)
4. Travel (44%)
5. Music (34%)
Maps, keys and concierge – mobile does it all
The smartphone is the ultimate travel companion. It acts as a map, a room key, a concierge and even a translator. Travellers can practically live like locals thanks to mobile, as almost half of global travellers (46%) use the map features on their smartphones to get around and 20% have used it to translate local words or phrases.
Travellers also seem to be embracing the latest in mobile technology developments, with 14% having checked into their hotel through their mobile device and 5% even used their smartphone as a room key. Rather than popping down to the lobby, a tech-savvy 14% of travellers have even used mobile to contact their hotel while in the resort and 6% have tried out a mobile concierge service.
Dan Craig, Senior Director of Mobile at Hotels.com brand said: “For travellers the mobile effect begins with booking, as 42% of people in our study have booked a hotel on mobile. It’s therefore no surprise that today’s modern tourist is so reliant on their smartphone, and as technology is advancing it’s becoming a more indispensable travel companion. Our study shows that some travelers, especially millennials, spend more time looking at their screens than enjoying the sun or the sights. However, most travellers are actually using their device to search for local restaurants, to help them get around and importantly stay connected with the rest of the world. Only 40% of people might have admitted to uploading photos to social media to make friends jealous but we all know you’ve definitely Instagrammed a holiday selfie to show off!”
The Hotels.com mobile app is available for IOS, Android and Amazon Kindle devices, and already has over 50 million downloads worldwide.
Please visit mobiletraveltracker. hotels.com for more insights from the Hotels.com Mobile Travel Tracker.
Mobile developments at Hotels.com
· Uber Integration – this month Hotels.com integrated Uber into its Android app. Available in 30 languages, it enables customers to book an Uber to take them directly to their hotel at the touch of a button.
· Apple Pay –Hotels.com has gone live with Apple Pay in the US and is working on rolling this out globally.
· In-Stay Mobile Features – Hotels.com is continually evolving its in-stay mobile experience and some exciting new features will be revealed in the coming months.
Notes to Editor
*9,200 adults from 31 countries were polled by One Poll, commissioned by Hotels.com in May 2016
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Hotels.com L.P. operates Hotels.com, a leading online accommodation booking website with properties ranging from international chains and all-inclusive resorts to local favorites and bed & breakfasts, together with all the information needed to book the perfect stay. Special apps for mobile phones and tablets can also be downloaded enabling customers to book on the go with access to 20,000 last minute deals.
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