Mumbai 17 July 2016:
Ability to convince
In today's world you need to learn to convince people to get your work done.
Be it pitching a new idea to your boss or getting your subordinates to complete the work on time, you need to really convince them to do so.
The art of saying ‘No’
‘No’ is a small word but many find it difficult to say ‘No’. In today's world you need to learn the art of saying ‘No’. One needs a lot of courage to say ‘No’ to someone or their opinion.
Listening before saying
Patient listeners is one of the traits of highly successful people. They patiently listen to what the other person has to say and then think and put their views and opinions forward. In today's world you need to be a patient listener so that you don't end up in an argument.
Having a sense of humour
Everyone likes a person who has a good sense for humour. If you can make people laugh in today's world, you surely have their attention. Being a person with a good sense of humour helps you attract positive people in your life.
Being vigilant
Being vigilant in daily life about what’s happening around you will not only make you smart, but also a responsible citizen. By keeping yourself updated about news and information, you will always succeed in life.
Express your opinions
In today's world you need to express your opinions or your competition will crush you. Expressing your doubts and opinions will only make you richer in knowledge and experience. Expressing your opinions without feeling shy or timid will open doors to great knowledge.
The art to adapt
Charles Darwin once stated, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent , but the one most responsive to change. Adjusting to the conditions, instead of running away from them makes you strong in the biggest race of survival called life." In today's dynamic world we need to learn to adapt to various situations. So we definitely need to learn to adapt to different situations in life.