o Event supported by Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), Karnataka State Electronics Development Corporation (KEONICS), India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA) and Global Cyber Security Response Team
o Focus on Intellectual Property as a powerful engine for economic growth via commercialization of IP
Bengaluru, India – July 22, 2016 The Government of India approved the National Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy on 12th May 2016. India’s National IPR Policy aims to push IPRs as a marketable financial asset, promote innovation and entrepreneurship, while protecting the interests of the general public. In India, individuals and small businesses currently have low levels of awareness about their rights over the creation and protection of Intellectual Property (IP) in the form of designs, patents, unique business processes and so on. Hence, there is a need to create widespread awareness about IP.

MAIT, in association with Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), Karnataka State Electronics Development Corporation (KEONICS), India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA) and Global Cyber Security Response Team organized a National Workshop on creating ‘IPR Awareness’ recently at Hotel Le Meridien, Bangalore. The welcome address was delivered by Mr. Krishnakumar P, Vice President, MAIT while the Workshop was inaugurated by Mr. R K Srivastava, Managing Director, KEONICS, Government of Karnataka. The keynote address was delivered by Mr. P K Das, Director, STPI Bangalore. The theme of the Workshop was “Protect and Create IP Wealth in India“. The Workshop aimed to create awareness and provide guidance to the participants on best practices and rules related to intellectual property rights, obligations within the frame work of the IPR Policy of India and fundamentals of cyber security laws and assistance related to IPR.
“The main objective of such awareness workshops is to facilitate and support SMEs, industry associations and other concerned stakeholders in raising awareness on IPR related issues in general and more specifically on educating them about the value and protection of IPR and its benefits to the economy“, said Mr Krishnakumar P, Vice President, MAIT and Vice President & General Manager – CSB, Dell International Services India.
Speaking on the occasion Mr R K Srivastava, Managing Director, KEONICS said, “In order to enhance innovation, competitiveness and economic growth there is a need for better incorporation and awareness about Intellectual Property Rights. Low awareness is the key reason for regular exploitation of the Electronics and IT sector and such awareness programs will benefit the industry for taking business to the next level.“
“Our aim is to build an environment of progressive development by protecting innovation in the IT sector. Protection of IPR will boost innovation in the country, while protecting the public interest,” stated Mr P K Das, Director, STPI Bangalore during his keynote address.
Other prominent speakers at the Workshop included Ms. Tanusree Deb Barma, Director, Information Technology and Biotechnology, Government of Karnataka; Mr. V Mahadesha, Additional Director, STPI Bangalore; Dr. Bharateesh Rao, Principal, SRN Adarsh College; Dr. Pinaki Ghosh, Senior Advisor KPMG India; Ms. Shubhamangala Sunil, Information and Cyber Security Expert, Global Cyber Security Response Team, and Mr. A C Sahu, General Manager, SIDBI Bangalore who emphasized on the need for building an IPR-friendly ecosystem to safeguard the interests of both individuals (artists, musicians, scientists, technologists et al), as well as businesses.
The speakers explained the salient features of IPR laws and brand protection best practices, and how an
‘IPR Aware’ organization can safeguard against the misuse of its research findings. They shared insights on Intellectual Property Rights and Information Security, Protecting Intellectual Property through Cyber Security Solutions, Encouraging IPR Wealth Management and Protection, leveraging IP to ‘Make in India’ and so on
On the key aspect of ‘Commercializing IP’, the speakers included Mr. Lokesh V, Managing Director, Innovation Leader and IP Practitioner, INNOMANTRA, Mrs. Bindu Sharma, Patent Attorney and CEO, Origiin IP Solutions LLP and Mr. Neeraj Gupta, Director & CEO, Formulate IP Techno Legal Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Speaking on the subject they focused on the concept and need for commercialization of IP and presented some IP Portfolios-cum-Case Studies from around the world, which showed how successful defence of IP have brought profits to the Rights Owner(s).
About MAIT
MAIT was set up in 1982 for purposes of scientific, educational and IT Industry promotion, Representing Hardware, Training, R&D & Hardware Design and other associated service segments of the Indian IT Industry, MAIT’s charter is to develop a globally competitive Indian IT Industry, promote the usage of IT in India, strengthen the role of IT in national economic development, promote business through international alliances, promote quality consciousness in the IT Industry and transform the Indian IT Industry into a World Scale Industry leading to a World Class Usage and thus a World Size Market. MAIT is recognized by both Govt. and Industry for its role in the growth & development of the IT Hardware industry in India and has emerged as a strong & effective mouthpiece of the industry in the government corridors. For more details, please visit www.mait.com