Rajasthan Youth Association Educational Trust lends college Text Books to all needy students

Apply now for free College text books!

June 11 2016,  22.56 PM IST || Pocket News Alert

Rajasthan Youth Association Educational Trust lends college Text Books to all needy students. New Application forms can be downloaded at www.ryabookbank.com from 05th June 2016. College Text Books are given for Arts, Commerce, Science covering B.Com, B.Com CS, B.Com A & F, B.Com CA, B.Com ISM, BBA, B.Sc CS, BCA, BISM, B.Sc Physics, B.Sc Chemistry, B.Sc Maths.

Engineering Courses covering EEE, ECE, Mechanical, Computer Science, Information Technology & Civil. Students are advised to downloaded the form from website and submit the filled application form at Rajasthan Youth Association, No. 4, Jothi Venkatachalam Street, (Atkinson Road) Atkinson Palace, Vepery, Chennai – 600 007.(Behind New Commissioners Office). Between 10.00 A.M to 5.00 P.M on all working days. For any queries call Chairman Mr.Praveen Kumar Jain @ 98401 24440.