Quote by Dr. PM Bhujang, President, Association of Hospital on World Blood Donor Day

June 13 2016,  18.51 PM IST || Pocket News Alert

One of the major concerns facing the healthcare sector today is the high demand low supply of blood. According to a World Health Organisation (WHO) report, India faces a shortage of blood to the tune of 3 million units annually. Data further shows that only nine million units are collected in a year against the required 12 million units, reflecting a 25 per cent deficit. The theme for the 2016 World Blood Donor Day (14 June) by WHO is "Blood connects us all”. AOH believes that technology is an unexplored sector that has lot of potential to mediate in this serious issue. Mobile apps and websites are available today but there is still scope for improvement. For example appropriate software or apps could probably link all blood banks and thereby help in bridging the gap between demand and supply and reduce wastage. The main goal of 2016’s World Blood Donor Day is to create awareness for the need of regular blood donation and to inspire those who have never donated blood.”

- Dr. PM Bhujang, President, Association of Hospital on World Blood Donor Day