· Yoga during pregnancy gives several benefits to the to-mother
· The camp addressed concerns regarding physical, mental, psychological and emotional health during pregnancy
Panchkula, 27 June 2016: In an effort to help expecting mothers stay physically and mentally healthy during their pregnancy, Paras Bliss Hospitals, Panchkula organized a five-day yoga camp in the hospital premises. The camp aimed at discussing the benefits of practising yoga during pregnancy.

Over the centuries, yoga has proved to be beneficial in ensuring peace of body, mind and soul. However, most women who get pregnant stop the practice, as they are often not sure which asanas and which form of yoga is safe for the fetus. Prenatal yoga is a type of yoga that focuses on improving sleep, reducing the stress and anxiety of pregnancy, increasing flexibility, muscle strength and the endurance needed for childbirth. It also helps with nausea, back pain, headaches and shortness of breath.
The camp had Dr. Neha Gill, Senior Physiotherapist, and Dr. Anshu Sharma, Physiotherapist, Paras Bliss Hospital, Panchkula, addressing the gathering of 50 women, who came to attend the session. “The yoga camp initiative by Paras Bliss is meant to serve as a resource for information about what to expect from yoga during pregnancy, as well as safety practices while doing yoga, in terms of the suitable positions and to what extent one should push oneself. Yoga during pregnancy is healthy if done under expert guidance. Prenatal yoga is all about being able to continue the practice during all three trimesters. These exercises help in gaining strength and stamina, and increasing the flexibility of muscles for childbirth,” said Dr. Neha Gill, Senior Physiotherapist, Paras Bliss Hospital, Panchkula.
The camp, from 20th to 24th June, has sessions on teaching and guiding would-be mothers on the correct asanas. Besides physical health, the sessions also talked about the ways of maintaining good mental, psychological and emotional health during the period. “Pregnancy is a major decision, and a mother does everything to ensure both her health as well as the health of the child in her womb. Yoga during pregnancy helps to in breath control. To-be mothers are taught to breathe deeply and relax, especially during labor and the birthing process,” said Dr. S. K. Gambhir, Sr Gynecologist, Paras Bliss Hospital, Panchkula.
Some benefits of yoga during pregnancy are:
Preparing for labor pain: Prenatal yoga includes exercises for deep breathing and building of strength and stamina. Such practices help prepare a woman to handle and bear the pain during her labor.
Keeps you in shape: Prenatal yoga is one of the best ways to stay fit during pregnancy. The gentle exercises keep you fit during the period and also help you get back into shape post delivery.
Keeps stress level under check: Prenatal yoga often becomes a medium to unwind and relax yourself during pregnancy. It also fights others issues such as depression and mood swings that are common during pregnancy due to hormonal changes.
Reduces aches and pains: Pains during pregnancy are usually caused due to the growing weight of the uterus. Back and joint pain often makes the period difficult. However, the various poses of prenatal yoga strengthen the muscles that support this weight, taking pressure off the lower back.
Helps realizing the body’s need: Amidst the pressure of carrying a child and the responsibility of her safety, prenatal yoga gives you the opportunity to spend time with yourself. This further helps you to understand your body needs and requirements.
Boosts confidence: Pregnancy often brings nervousness, especially if it is the first time. With prenatal yoga, you establish a connection with your baby.
Improves blood circulation: The exercises and poses also help increasing blood circulation within the joints and muscles. This further helps in building immunity, thereby reducing inflammation and keeping infections at bay.