Mr. Santhanakrishnan , former Deputy MD-SBI, EX Chairman of CIBIL, Presently Director on Several companies, Joins as an Advisor

 June 6 2016,  16.58 PM IST || Pocket News Alert

Hyderabad, 6th June, 2016:  i-lend, India's first online P2P lending platform announced that, the former Deputy MD-SBI, Ex Chairman of CIBIL, Mr. S. Santhanakrishnan has joined as an Advisor.

Mr. Santhanakrishnan , former Deputy MD-SBI, EX Chairman of CIBIL, Presently Director on Several companies, Joins as an Advisor

Mr. Santhanakrishnan had a very memorable career in India. He worked as a Deputy Managing Director; Chief General Manager of Corporate Accounts Group , Mumbai ,in -charge of large Corporates in India, Mr. Santhanakrishnan joined SBI as a Probationary Officer. He has 36 years of banking experience. In SBI, he was mostly in the arena of credit marketing and administration, particularly in SME and large corporate. As an All India Head of credit (Corporate Accounts Group), he had the privilege of dealing with all the top 200 companies of India for more than 3 years.

Mr. Santhanakrishnan , former Deputy MD-SBI, EX Chairman of CIBIL, Presently Director on Several companies, Joins as an Advisor

He was also deputed to SBI Caps, as General Manager and headed the Chennai Office of this outfit for 3 years. He served as an Executive Chairman and Managing Director of Easy Access Financial Services Ltd., Dhanlaxmi Bank Ltd. TVS Credit Services Ltd. and Reliance Capital Trustee Co. Ltd. He serves as an Independent Director of M/S Axiom Cordages Ltd. He has been Non- Executive & Independent Director Sundaram-Clayton Ltd., since July 2009. He has been a Director of ICICI Home Finance Company Ltd. since July 2008.

We are delighted to have Mr. Santhanakrishnan as part of team, says,   Mr. Shankar, Founder & Director, i-lend. in . “Mr. Santhanakrishnan’s   credentials are impeccable. His experiences will be an asset that we can offer businesses that hope to understand and benefit from the growing commercial ties”.

“We welcome Mr. Santhanakrishnan in the and look forward to working closely with him” says, Mr. Shankar, Founder & Director,