May 25, 15.44 PM IST || Pocket News Alert
Do you remember Peter Parker? Swinging through the skyscrapers, he took Manhattan by surprise becoming the city’s ultimate savior. Your friendly neighborhood superhero, Spiderman is back. To add up to your weekend fervor, Zee Studio for the first time brings for its viewers the channel premiere of The Amazing Spiderman 2 on 28th May, Saturday at 1PM and 9PM. Starring the charming Andrew Garfield and the gorgeous Emma Stone this is The One Movie You Must Watch this month on your favourite channel.

So far, Spiderman has oscillated between the ordinary obligations of Peter Parker and the extraordinary responsibilities of a superhero but now Peter (Andrew Garfield) finds that his greatest battle is yet to begin. Being Spiderman is great but it also comes at a price. With the return of Harry Osborn, Peter realizes that one thing unites all his enemies; Oscorp. When New York is put under siege, it is Spiderman who has to come to the rescue fighting a nemesis more powerful than him.
~Be ready to get webbed with The Amazing Spiderman 2 only on Zee Studio on 28th May, Saturday at 1PM and 9PM ~