“Timken contributed Rs. 49 Lakhs to Sankara Eye Hospital for an Ocular Coherence Tomography Instrument”

Timken donates Rs.49 Lakhs to Sankara Eye Hospital for an OCT Equipment

May 30,  16.11 PM IST || Pocket News Alert

“Timken contributed Rs. 49 Lakhs to Sankara Eye Hospital for an Ocular Coherence Tomography Instrument”

“Timken contributed Rs. 49 Lakhs to Sankara Eye Hospital for an Ocular Coherence Tomography Instrument”

Bengaluru, May 30, 2016: Timken India has donated Rs. 49 Lakhs to Sankara Eye Hospital for an Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), which will facilitate better diagnosis of the hospital’s community patients. Mr. Sanjay Koul, Managing Director, Timken India and Ms. SunithaPai, Head of Communications, handed over the cheque to Mr.Vikram Chaudhuri,Unit Head,Sankara Eye Hospital, Bengaluru.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive instrument used widely in diagnosis and evaluation of response to treatment of retinal diseases. It helps in the diagnosis of a range of retinal diseases including glaucoma. The instrument offers efficient, speedy and more accessible diagnosis.

OCT facilitatesone to see the “cut-section” of the retina optically by non-invasive means. OCT image allows one to look for accumulation of fluid within the retina and also to look for growth of abnormal membranes.  It is also used as an aid to diagnose glaucoma and in the follow-up to look for subtle changes that indicate progression of glaucoma.

Sankara Eye Hospital’s initiative of “Gift of Vision” has been helping people from economically restrained backgrounds gain access to quality eye care and treatment. Gift of Vision reaches out to the poor patients with various vitreo-retinal diseases and offers them screening and treatment, all free of cost. The hospital is currently equipped with advanced retinal screening equipments such as hand held non mydriatic fundus camera. 80% of the patients screened with retinal diseases will usually need services of the OCT Angio after comprehensive eye examination. This contribution by Timken has equipped Sankara to further stretch the reach of its “Gift of Vision” initiative.

“We are proud to associate with an institution that is working towards the betterment of the society. This donation was our contribution to a cause and we are immensely happy to be a part of this project,” said Mr. Sanjay Koul, Managing Director, Timken India.

“In the past year, 480 patients with retinal diseases have been treated free of cost at the hospital. We hope to reach out to more people who are suffering from retinal conditions and provide them a lease to a brighter future”, said Mr.Vikram Chaudhuri, Unit Head, Sankara Eye Hospital, Bengaluru

Timken has been in a long term association with Sankara Eye Hospital and has been rendering their support to its community activities. They have also donated a fully fledged bus to the hospital for the transportation of the community patients to &from the hospital, during this association.

About Sankara Eye Hospital:

Sankara Eye Hospital, Bengaluru is an NABH accredited tertiary eye hospital under the aegis of the Sankara Eye Foundation, India (Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Medical Trust) was established in 2008 with a vision to provide quality eyecare.It is committed to providing quality eye care and is a centre of excellence for Cornea, Retinal diseases, Glaucoma, Paediatric Ophthalmology, Cataracts, Oculoplasty and Lasik.

The Department of Vitreo-Retina at Sankara Eye Hospital, Bengaluru has been at the forefront of latest technology and treatment modalities for retinal diseases. Rated as one of the top referral and training centre for Retina, the Centre treats patients from across India and other countries.