The greatest techgeek fest is coming to India for the first time
Bangalore, May 16, 2016: CIM Global along with the Telangana Government today announced the next edition of “Campus Party”, the world’s greatest technological festival of innovation, creativity, science, digital entertainment and entrepreneurship at Hyderabad. The event for tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs is scheduled to be held from 14th -19th September, 2016 at Hyderabad.

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Mr. Eduardo Lorea, Director, Business Development at Campus Party pinning up a Batch - “I am Campusero” to Mr. Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, Information Technology, Electronics and Communications (ITE&C) Department, Government of Telangana while kick starting the registration for Campus Party 2016 in India

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Mr. Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, Information Technology, Electronics and Communications (ITE&C) Department, Government of Telangana, Mr. Eduardo Lorea, Director, Business Development at Campus Party and Mr. Srinivas Kollipara, Co-founder & COO of T-Hub while announcing the launch of Campus Party 2016 in India

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Mr. Prasant Saha, CEO, CIM Global India Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, Information Technology, Electronics and Communications (ITE&C) Department, Government of Telangana, Mr. Eduardo Lorea, Director, Business Development at Campus Party and Mr. Srinivas Kollipara, Co-founder & COO of T-Hub while announcing the launch of Campus Party 2016 in India
Present at the launch of the event were Sri Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, Information Technology, Electronics and Communications (ITE&C) Department, Government of Telangana, Mr. Eduardo Lorea, Director, Business Development at Campus Party, Mr. Srinivas Kollipara, Co-founder & COO of T-Hub and Mr. Prasant Saha, CEO, CIM Global India Pvt. Ltd. were also present.
Sri. Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, information Technology, Electronics and Communications (ITE&C) Department, Government of Telengana, said, “We are extremely proud to be the destination for an event of this scale, especially since it is coming to India and in fact Asia for the first time. The Telengana Government recognizes the importance of innovation and creativity in creating next generation products and solutions; it is our aim to become the hub that attracts the best organizations and talent. Campus Party will attract huge interest not just in India but from tech practitioners across the globe and put India on the map.”
Mr. Eduardo Lorea, Director, Business Development at Campus Party,said, “We are delighted to bring our greatest tech fest to India, home to some exceptional talent and creativity. We are sure that a combination of people here and the concept of Campus Party will be a potent mix to accelerate, showcase and even implement ideas that can become reality. The very mission of Campus Party is to provide a platform where likeminded enterprising individuals can come together, exchange ideas and be inspired by innovators and speakers who are some of the most successful people in the world. We promise an extravaganza that has not been experienced before and we are very excited to be here.”
The weeklong, round the clock technology event is the place for young talent to innovate, learn and engage with some of the biggest names in technology. Some of the speakers who will be participating in Campus Party, India are Mr. Bas van Abel- CEO and Founder Fairphone, Camille Francois-Cyber War, Harvard, Dan Shechtman-Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, Matthijis Pontier- Artificial Intelligence, Samir Patel- Big Data & Data Science among other renowned personalities from around the world.
The objective of the Campus Party is to bring together geeks, nerds, designers, developers, gamers, hackers, scientists, startups and other fans of Internet and technology popularly known as “campuseros”, where they will go through a series of intense days of networking and activities such as workshops, hackathons and competitions about innovation, creativity, science and digital entertainment and entrepreneurship.
Mr. Prasant Saha, CEO, CIMGLOBAL, said, “It is a historical moment as we bring this grand event to Asia. Technology and innovation are the lifeline of humankind and events like Campus party strengthens every society, nation and the human race at large.”
About Campus Party
Campus party is more than an event, it is the biggest and unique technology experience in the world. 20 years ago, Campus party started when a small group of geeks decided to have a LAN party with some 300 people in the city called Molina, in Spain. In 2008, Campus party went international, with their first Campus in Latin America Countries-Brazil and Columbia. After 54 successful editions around the globe, this biggest tech-fest is all set to mark its presence in India in the month of September 2016. Campus party inspires and prepares the campuseros and the cities on the challenge of being neuralgic part of change that humanity will live in the coming years. Their stated goal is to bring together the best talent in areas regarding technology and Internet to share experiences and innovate for a "better tomorrow". It provides an interactive space where visitors can come to feel and touch the future, because the goal is to inspire everyone to participate in the Campus Party. Renowned personalities from around the world have participated in previous campus parties such as Al Gore, Stephen Hawking, Vinton Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, and Steve Wozniak among others.
Photo Captions
Event – Launch of Campus Party 2016 in India
Date – Monday May 16, 2016
Venue – The Park, Somajiguda, Hyderabad