May 05 2016, 16.58 PM IST || Pocket News Alert
VERY few people are lucky in real life to be invited as the chief guest in their own school, while being a student of the same school.
But the talented 15-year young author Ms. Insiya Patanwala, is an exception. She was the chief guest at the Hasanat High School from the suburbs of Andheri, at the annual Parents Day Meet held on Saturday.

Attired in her traditional dress Rida, Insiya without any stage fear addressed the dignitaries. Present amongst them were school Principal Mr Idris Deesawala, PTA Coordinator Ms. Heena, faculty members, parents and students from the pre-kg and primary section, at the school auditorium, glued to her soft spoken impromptu speech.
Insiya was well focused and she knew very well her role as the Chief Guest, delivered her lovely messages to the audiences present in full capacity.
Narrating her experience to the young minds, Insiya says "life is not full of roses, you are going to face ups and downs in life, you may fall, will face break down due to some or the other reasons, but never give up. Build a strong belief that something good will follow and bounce back."
Encouraging the young audience, she further said, " Do listen to everyones advice but follow your own instinct. Be self-sufficient, independent and be happy with your own world.
The young author who also pens poems, philosophically asked the young students to be self sufficient. Comparing a carefree life and well protected life, she says, "There's a difference between the plants in the forests and the plants which grow in our garden. The plants in the forest don't need anyone to take care of them, while if we don't water the plants in our garden for a day, they will become lifeless. So be like the plants in the forest, be self sufficient and keep moving."
Insiya, who appeared for her SSC examination this March, is the published author of a fiction novel – ESOTERICA, is awaiting with her second novel as part of a sequel series of ESOTERICA, is ready and will be hitting the stands very soon.
The school authorities recognized her talent and as an outstanding student she was given the privilege to address the gathering and handover the certificates to the meritorious students from the pre-KG and primary section.