Tata Power Delhi Distribution Opens 13th Vocational Training Center at Timarpur, Delhi

 April 18 2016,  20.32 PM IST || Pocket News Alert

New Delhi, April 18, 2015: Tata Power Delhi Distribution has opened of its 13th Vocational Training Center at Timarpur, Delhi.  The Centre will run in partnership with PHD Health & Family Welfare & their knowledge partner Nanak and will imparts training to nearly 240 beneficiaries in the trades of Computers and Beautician.

Tata Power Delhi Distribution Opens 13th Vocational Training Center at Timarpur, Delhi

Tata Power Delhi Distribution Opens 13th Vocational Training Center at Timarpur, Delhi

The new center was inaugurated by Mr. Praveer Sinha, CEO & MD, Tata Power Delhi Distribution in presence of NGO partners, beneficiaries and students of its other Vocational and Women Literacy centers.

Currently, Tata Power Delhi Distribution is running 13 Vocational Training – cum – Tutorial Centers Centers in its licensed area wherein it teaches advanced computer courses, Beautician course, office assistant, electrician training, retail chain courses to women and children.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Praveer Sinha, CEO & MD, Tata Power Delhi Distribution said, “Tata Power Delhi Distribution  continues  to fulfill the objective of uplifting and empowering the under-privileged section of the society. Education is close to our heart as it is the foundation of progressive development. Thus, we plan to expand our literacy and vocational training centers and diligently serve the society.”

In line with Tata group’s core purpose and mission –to improve the quality of life of the communities we serve, through long-term stakeholder value creation based on Leadership with Trust, Tata Power Delhi Distribution has been striving for the improvement of quality of life and upliftment of people, particularly for those residing in Jhugghi Jhopari (slums) Clusters. The company is working tirelessly in 223 JJ clusters in its power distribution area of North and North-west Delhi through 290 women literacy centres, 13 vocational training centres, tutorial classes, drug de-addiction camps,36 RO Water Plants for providing safe drinking water to people,  mobile medical dispensary service, HIV / AIDs awareness programme, blood donation camps, support to SC & ST community under its Affirmative Action Policy, among others, benefiting a total of 10 lakh people. TPDDL has received accolades both nationally and internationally for its trustworthy corporate conduct and commitment towards the underprivileged section of the society - the latest being Platts Award. The company has also been bestowed with the 3rd Asia’s Best CSR Practice Award, India Power Award for Social & Community Impact.

Photo Caption : Mr. Praveer Sinha, CEO & MD, Tata Power Delhi Distribution inaugurating  the 13th Vocational Training Center at Timarpur, Delhi .