April 25, 14.32 PM IST || Pocket News Alert
The Internet has inherently changed the way to target, communicate and provide information to the audience. This service has become more effective, affordable, therefore raising the marketing opportunities than ever before. Comprehensive and effective marketing plan is event marketing. Social media marketing is gaining popularity as an interactive platform. Social media may have been into progress as a take-it-or-leave-it opportunity to show consumers unaltered side of brand, but it has grown to be an essential portion of making connections with the larger market. Connecting directly with the potential market by organizing events and going digitally visual widens the reach to the respective customer. Unlike Advertisement which is the one way of communication with the audience, events are more live and real, digitally sound. The crux is to increase the sales and that could be realized if the target audience can touch, feel and remember the product. It ensures that all brand activity has a common aim.

Events and conferences are greatest tools of marketing and networking tools for firms working in the B2B segment as well. This opens the lane for them to build relationships with upcoming as well as existing customer. With online marketing, one can share updates quickly and have deeper conversations with customers. Use of Facebook and twitter these days have escalated the work and also measures the outcome. As a result, we get increased awareness and, ultimately, more sales inquiries before, during and after the events. With the help of online marketing the brands attains higher visibility. Upcoming of digital technology rapidly changing the way ads are bought and sold, selling is bringing together the leading decision-makers and digital specialists in the programmatic market. The most important thing is to convey a relevant, informative, and engaging message to your target audience on a regular basis. It is a smart marketing approach that helps small businesses in the digital world to stand out amid competitors. Live events are valuable because they give you in-person access to your target audience and builds an integrated marketing communication.
Online market place helps to provide a platform to the events organized by the brands. Marketers and agencies have been segmenting audiences for years, introducing new products to key influencers first and then achieving the goals to raise the sales. Whether organized in malls or hotels or other venue, the audience gets the opportunity to view, touch and feel the exact product. For instance brands launching cars showcase the new design in expos and showrooms. Events showcase the developments done by the brand and promoting the same through online market gives a boost to it. Online marketing the events raises the viewership of the brand. Notice the promotions done by entertainment sector. The upcoming film promotion is done by small press conferences and events by the production houses. The promos are exploded online to reach the larger target audience. Brands can impress event crowds through a variety of creative tactics, not just sheer visual appeal.
Internet marketing is a comprehensive term that encompasses a wide range of digital marketing tools, including blogs, social media marketing, e-newsletters, video marketing, email marketing, SEO, and much more. For instance, Apple launched IPhone 6 and held a small press conference to make a live announcement in public and for public and the press shoots it on online platform. So by this manner, Apple did a live show and promoted the brand and product through online platform as well. Online promotions are effective, intimate and high-impact ways to reach consumers, with the potential to create long-lasting and meaningful relationships. Finding the right audience has never been easy for brands, so reaching out the market and further connecting to the target customer, events executes the promotion in live format.
The idea for events is to generate a compelling reason for patrons to stop and explore the brand, not just another stand for them to walk past. It often gets overlooked, which ironically creates an opportunity that chooses not to overlook it. It is incredibly important to tie your content marketing strategy into your event plan. One of the staples of every good brand is to stimulate a spark of curiosity among the audience as to what the brand is coming up with and surprise them by the live events. Unlike print marketing, which can be static and expensive, online marketing is interactive and affordable, making it a necessary component of every marketing strategy. In contrast to traditional advertising, which blasts millions of consumers with the same general television, radio or billboard message, event marketing targets specific individuals or groups at gathering spots, in hopes of making quality individual impressions.
The writer, Mr. Ashu Garg, is the creative mind behind Good Times Concepts Events, a wedding architect and event company.