Inputs from Sonia Narang, Nutrition Expert, Oriflame India

Easy Summer Detox

Inputs from Sonia Narang, Nutrition Expert, Oriflame India

Inputs from Sonia Narang, Nutrition Expert, Oriflame India
Sonia Narang -Nutrition Expert, Oriflame India

Summer is a perfect time for us to get into the process of detox because fresh organic fruit and vegetables are more available. Additionally when it is warm, it is easier for our body to be in a detox process. This is a natural process. What you eat every day matters. Habits add up — and the bad ones take their toll. So if you want a quick way to ramp up your energy, clear your mind, and lighten the toxic load on your body, trying a gentle, food-based detox can make a big difference in how you look and feel.

So now, it is time to flush out the toxins from our bodies. A detoxification is important because it is helps us get rid of the excessive chemicals, sugar, processed foods and alcohol.
The liver produces its own antioxidants, but it also needs other antioxidants from food sources in order to remain healthy. So, eat foods that support the liver and the digestive system. Increasing antioxidant-rich foods can also help counter the free radicals in the body. Mentioned below are a few detox tips which helps to clean out our bodies and make us feel healthy, light & refreshed.

·         Watermelon is the number one food for a summer detox. It is extremely alkaline-forming in the body and contains high amounts of citrulline. This helps to create arginine which removes ammonia and other toxins from the body.Also watermelon is a good source of potassium which balances the high amounts of sodium in our diets which supports your kidneys and is great when cleansing.

·         Cucumbers help flush toxins from the body. The high water content in cucumbers gets your urinary system moving. A half-cup of sliced cucumber only has 8 calories.

·         Your liver loves lemons: The lemon is a wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons. It is alkalizing for the body and hence helps restore balance to the body’s pH.

·         Mint leaves are great for summer cooling. It helps you digest your food more effectively and improves the flow of bile from the liver, to the gallbladder, to the small intestine, where it breaks down dietary fats.

·         The Amino Acidsfound in protein sources are essential for the detoxification processes.

·         Steaming or stir-frying the veggies are good option as they prevent nutrients from getting lost.

·         Do some gentle exerciseto encourage the elimination of toxins. While detoxing, it is important to stay away from alcohol, caffeine.

·         Drink warm lime water with honey every morning as this stimulates the digestive system and helps to keep away from constipation. 

·         Drink lots of green tea which is loaded with polyphenols, which function as powerful antioxidant. 

·         Drink milk in measured quantities but regularly. Milk contains a big package of nutrients that is especially important for bone health, which makes your body stronger while doing away with impurities. 

·         Keep away from caffeineas it interferes in the body's process of absorbing nutrients. Also summers are the time to go a bit easy on alcohol since it gets easily absorbed into blood stream and affects every part of the body.

·         Drink lots of water- the minimum daily water intake for men is about 3 l and for women, about 2.2 l. Water flushes the toxins out of vital organs and carries nutrients to your cells.

·         Increase foods with fibre in your diet. Dietary fibre plays a role in modulating the immune system and therefore, results in a lesser risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity.

·         Make sure you're getting your vitamins. This is an essential nutrient that the body cannot produce enough of kn its own. So, if is important to make sure you balance your vitamins in your diet and for this a balance diet is must.

One can always try the below mentioned Detox Smoothies infused waters

·         Take one chilled, skinned & seeded melon and scoop out the flesh. Add the melon & a one-centimeter cube of peeled and chopped ginger into a blender, along with four ice cubes. Whizz up the ingredients & then serve

·         Watermelon & mint infused water

·         Cucumber & Lemon infused water

·         Strawberry cucumber lemon & mint infused water

·         Detox iced Green Tea

You should always try to eat at regular intervals.  Sleep also plays an equally important role in flushing out the toxins. All cells and tissues get proper oxygen when we sleep like a baby. The availability of oxygen keeps all the vital organs running good and also keeps the skin supple and eyes brighter.