Inputs by Sugandh Jolly, Co-Founder, Glo

It is the season when the hottest winds and the dusty air prick your bone marrow. The scorching sun is beaming down on your flawless skin and harming the beauty of your hair shaft. How would your summers be devoid of all the fun? What do you do when the breezy beaches beckon you and the crystal clear cool water of the pool pulls you in? Well, it’s not possible to escape the summer freaky zones. A little precaution and protection from the sun is all what you need.
Fear not, we have got the most effective tips to keep your skin radiance intact and let your silky shafts touch the ground. From a healthy balanced diet to the exercising and exfoliating regiments, here are a few tips to break the monotony of the summer heat.
v Keep your skin hydrated – Drink Eight ounce glasses of pure water every day.
The scorching sun dehydrates the body moisture; filtered water helps maintaining your moisture balance of the body and skin and helps relieving headache and stress.
v Stick to whole fibers and roughages – Eat a balanced, light diet.
Eat healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits in the form of salads, steamed veggies, which is a good source of roughage. Fresh Juice or a glass of Buttermilk boosts up antioxidants and flavonoids and reduce the intake of sugar, refined and processed foods.
v Mask your skin –Do not forget to apply sun block UV protection
Sun Block UV protection has specially been formulated to protect the skin from harmful UV rays which penetrate the skin and helps prevent rashes and sunburn. Apply the cream thrice a day or cold aloe vera gel to soothe the skin.
v Expose your body to exercise –Sweat it out
In addition to the other tips, fitness routine is a beauty ritual. Exercising helps regulating body temperature, releases the traces of toxins and increases blood circulation in your system which makes your skin glowing.
v Make your skin clearer and smoother -Exfoliate your skin
Exfoliation removes dead skin and debris accumulated on the edges of your nose; scrub your skin in the morning and then shield your skin with a hydrating cream and also tone your skin with a natural herbal toner which mitigates the grease, sebum and dirt from the skin surface.
v Do not expose your scalp to direct sun rays – Cover your Scalp
Cover your scalp with a scarf or hat so that the harmful UV rays do not penetrate the scalp, covering up the scalp helps retain the moisture.
v Wash your hair regularly- Resolve your hair problems
Pollution and dust tend to accumulate the scalp in summers hence which makes them brittle and frizzy. Wash your hair regularly to retain its lustre.
v Do away with Blow Dry – Skip the hot tools
Give your hair a break from blow dry and heating rods, the flat irons tend to damage your hair. Soak the edges of the hair in a hair serum which will help replenish and retain its smoothness and lustre.
v Strengthen your hair roots – Oil Massage is must in Summers
The scalp becomes dry in summer, giving an oil massage to the scalp absorbs all the dirt and damp and also helps in blood circulation which help in strengthening the hair roots and follicles.
v Start afresh – Trim your split ends off
Get rid of your split ends, split ends in summer tend to make hair more damaged and frizzy. Regular trimming helps retain its volume and shine.
Stay Confident, Stay Protected –Love your skin
About GLO: GLO is a recently launched on the go booking app for makeup and hairstyling. Taking the concept of self-book appointments to a new level, GLO is a one-of-its-kind app in India that comes with a promise to give you a world-class experience by your desired professionals in the comfort of your homes. GLO is a unique mobile application that helps customer book same-day make-up and hair styling service with the most premium makeup products used by the stylists and at an affordable price. Glo bagged two awards; "Best App for Hair & Makeup Services" by Ravishing Wedding Awards 2015 and “Magicka Women Achiever’s Award 2016”.