Autism no impediment to achieving life goals, assert experts at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital

Actor Prem Chopra interacted with the childrens at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital on occassion of World Health Day

Photo Caption: Nanavati Super Specialty Hospital today celebrated World Health Day by reaffirming its commitment to care the specially-abled childrens, with experts calling for ensuring timely help to those affected by autism and noted actor Prem Chopra interacted with the childrens

April 7 2016,  17.03 PM IST || Pocket News Alert

Nanavati Super Specialty Hospital (NSSH) today celebrated World Health Day by reaffirming its commitment to care the specially-abled children, with experts calling for ensuring timely help to those affected by autism and noted actor Prem Chopra interacting with the children.

Autism no impediment to achieving life goals, assert experts at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital

Autism no impediment to achieving life goals, assert experts at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital

Autism no impediment to achieving life goals, assert experts at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital

Autism no impediment to achieving life goals, assert experts at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital

Autism no impediment to achieving life goals, assert experts at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital

Autism no impediment to achieving life goals, assert experts at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital

Autism no impediment to achieving life goals, assert experts at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital

Emphasis on early detection, community intervention and an empathic approach towards children displaying signs of autism was the common message affirmed by experts.  Autism day which is normally observed every year on April 2 was the theme of the session titled ‘World Autism Awareness Week.”

Elucidating on the commitment of NSSH to provide holistic and affordable care to children affected by autism, NSSH chairman and the managing director Mr Abhay Soi, said, “ever since we took over the management of Nanavati Hospital, we have initiated global health practices and given new paradigms to healthcare in terms of evolved procedures and processes.”

“In today’s day and age when medical science is making rapid strides in several fields of treatment, it becomes imperative to address the challenges posed by neuro-developmental disorders like autism. As a medical institution dedicated to the overall welfare of the community, we remain committed to provide reasonably affordable treatment to children with special needs,” he said.

“Community intervention and forming support groups to extend timely help to parents and children affected by autism should form the core of any treatment regimen. One should always remember that autism can never be a barrier to achieving fame and recognition in life. Noted composer Mozart, author Lewis Caroll, Hollywood actress Daryll Hannah and assumed autistic famous personalities like Sir Isaac Newton, Michaelangelo and Charles Darwin have left their indelible mark in their chosen field of works,” Stated Dr. Rajendra Patankar, COO, NSSH in his opening address.
 “Every child is special and a gift of God. He has the ability to excel in his chosen field of expertise, provided that he receives proper guidance and support. Children with autism are special and not challenged as is the prevalent misconception in the world today. Society at large should have empathy in their dealings with such children and their families,” pointed out Dr Rashid Merchant, Consulting Pediatrician, NSSH.

Dr Samir Dalwai, National Chairperson, IAP Chapter of Developmental Pediatrics said, “disabilities lie in us, so-called normal people, but lack the finer vision to detect the specialities in gifted children. It is imperative that we limit our own faults before pointing fingers at others. Rather than just scanning the surface, we should have the ability to look beyond the visible and appreciate the personalities and traits of autistic children.”

The highlight of the session was the presence of noted Bollywood actor Prem Chopra who lauded the doctors of NSSH for doing a commendable work for specially-abled children. He also visited the pediatric ward of NSSH and personally interacted with every child and their parents.

The session on autism held at NSSH was organized in collaboration with Indian Academy of Pediatrics Chapter of Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics and New Horizons Health and Research Foundation.