March 21 2016, 11.04 AM IST || Pocket News Alert
Bangalore, March 21st 2016: As a part of its ‘Walk for Public Transport’ initiative, YatraGenie Services Pvt Ltd, a hyper market place for bus, cab and hotel bookings, will be hosting a short film competition on ‘I pledge to use public transport’.

The contest is open to all and the submission of entries started on the 18th of March and continues till the 17th of April 2016. The short film entries can be based on the theme of vehicle pollution, future of public transport, impact of increase in traffic and the number of vehicles or need of Public Transportation vs private transportation. The winner of the contest will win a prize money of Rs 1 Lakh.
The entries should be uploaded via youtube along with mention of “Yatragenie Short Film Contest” ,one logo of Yatragenie at the end or beginning. The youtube video link can be submitted to along with name, email ID, Phone number and address along with the subject ‘ YatraGenie Short Film Submission’.
The films shall not be more than 5 minutes, including the beginning and end credits. The minimum length should be 60 seconds including credits. The entries can be of any genre that features elements of documentary, drama, horror, musical, sci-fi, etc. Entries may be live-action, animation or a combination of both. Each film may only be submitted once. Entrants may submit multiple entries, as long as each entry differs significantly from any others submitted by that entrant.
All entries should be submitted by Sunday, 17 April 2016. The winner of the contest will be given a cash prize of Rs 1,00,000/- . The runner up will be awarded Rs 50,000/-
The films will also be judged on the concept of Best Director , Best Concept and people’s choice category that will be awarded a prize money of Rs 25,000/- respectively.
For any queries, participants can write to
The short film contest is a part of the ‘Walk for Public Transportation’ initiative by YatraGenie.
Walk for Public Transportation is a unique initiative by Renil Komitla, CEO of Yatragenie to encourage people to use public transportation. As a part of this campaign, Renil along with 40 YatraGenie employees, will walk across 60 cities covering the states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. This initiative will start from Mysore on the 18th of April and will continue for 30 days. At each city, the team will closely interact with the citizens and understand the problems in the local transport sector. Towards the end of 30 days, YatraGenie will compile a report comprising the positives and problems that exist in the transportation system across these cities.