Learn Java: The #1 Programming Language with edX

March 17 2016,  11.10 AM IST || Pocket News Alert

·         Facebook, Twitter, Google, DropBox – isn’t it fascinating that each of these technology giants started with a line of code?

Mar 17th, 2016:  In a world where development is king and demand for talent continues to rise, an essential skill that will help set one apart is learning a programming language. In fact, President Obama’s initiative to empower students from kindergarten to high school to learn computer science in order to be creators and not just consumers are focused on developing these type of tech skills. Founder of Porch, Matt Ehrlichman, stated that even if your job title isn’t “a programmer” or “a developer,” it is important for every team member to know his or her way around a website’s code.

There are more than 250 programming languages, but Java ranks as #1 according to the TIOBE Index for February 2016, which ranks the popularity of programming languages.

It’s also important to keep in mind the skills employers are looking for. Shravan Goli, president of the company Dice, stated that on any given day there are about 16,000 open Java positions. Additionally, he also stated that Java was one of the top 10 named skills hiring managers are looking for.

Whether one wants to be a professional developer or increase their employability by upping their coding skills, edX has some exciting Java courses that one can start today!

Introduction to Mobile Application Development using Android – HKUSTx – Self Paced

Using Android Studio, this course will take learners on a journey through the world of mobile applications and teach them the basics of creating an android app.

Learn Java: The #1 Programming Language with edX

Introduction to Java Programming – Part 1 – HKUSTx – Self Paced

Learn Java: The #1 Programming Language with edX

Using the Java platform, this course will provide learners with a strong understanding of basic Java programming skills and will also help them become better problem solvers.


Introduction to Java Programming- Part 2 – HKUSTx – Self Paced

Learn Java: The #1 Programming Language with edX

Part 2 of this course will teach learners how to solve “real-life” problems in an algorithmic manner as well as how to use the logic of a programming language to formulate solutions to well defined problems.


Introduction to Programming with Java Part 1: Starting to Code with Java – UC3Mx – Self Paced

Learn Java: The #1 Programming Language with edX

With numerous visual and interactive activities, this introductory course will teach learners basic fundamental concepts like games, calculators and also some powerful concepts like Object Oriented Programming and Application Programming Interfaces.


Introduction to Programming with Java Part 2: Writing Good Code – UC3Mx – Self Paced

“Good” code is both correct and efficient. By understanding basic principles of computer science, not only will this course teach learners how to write good code, but it will also prepare learners for the AP Computer Science A exam.

Learn Java: The #1 Programming Language with edX


One can enroll today and become a creator! According to Drew Houston, the founder of Dropbox, it will be the closest thing to have to a superpower.