The Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery STAR Hospital Hyderabad is conducting “Cardiothoracic Operation Theater Nurses Conclave”


February 6 2016,  18.43 PM IST || Pocket News Alert

Hyderabad 06 Feb 2016: The Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery STAR Hospital Hyderabad is conducting “Cardiothoracic Operation Theater Nurses Conclave” a 2 day continuing nursing education workshop focused at imparting and improving the knowledge base and skill set of nurses working in the Cardiac Operation Theater

The interactive program included didactic lectures by an experienced faculty of cardiac surgeons Twin Citi’s Hospitals Hyderabad in addition to pertinent presentations by nursing staff with a special focus on preparation for and assistance during the conduct of heart surgery from the nurse’s stand point Delegates for the conclave have come from across the country

The program included sessions on commonly encountered emergency clinical scenarios during open heart surgery and strategies to prepare to handle them. In addition special hands-on training sessions were conducted providing the participants an opportunity to handle surgical instruments, sutures and other equipment used in cardiac operations on a daily basis. The sessions also provided an interactive platform for discussion of queries and concerns that a cardiac surgical OT nurse who performing their duties

The conclave was attended by nearly 100 participants working in both corporate and government sector cardiothoracic surgical units in Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Pondicherry and Ahmadabad

The conclave was conducted by Dr B R Jagannath, Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon at STAR Hospital and the faculty included Dr C. Sai Krishna, Dr Girish Warrier & Dr Rama Subramanyam and the department of Nursing at STAR Hospital also Participated Star Hospitals Managing Director Dr. Mannam GOPI CHAND

The Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery STAR Hospital Hyderabad is conducting “Cardiothoracic Operation Theater Nurses Conclave”