Registration Opens for the Summer Leadership Programme at The Doon School, Dehradun

February 24 2016,  11.03 AM IST || Pocket News Alert

Registration is also opened for ‘Open Morning Programme’ and Bespoke Individual Tutors

Bangalore, Tuesday, 24th February 2016 – The Doon School India’s pre eminent boarding school and alma mater of stalwarts like Rajiv Gandhi and Amitav Ghosh amongst many others has announced its Residential ‘Summer at Doon Leadership Programme’ from 1st June to 15th June, 2016 at The Doon School’s beautiful estate in Dehradun, India.  The programme is open for all aspiring young boys and girls in grades 9-12  who are passionate about making a positive impact on the world around them. Application for this programme closes on April 15, 2016.

The Doon School is also delighted to welcome prospective parents and their sons to see the school and meet the admissions department and tour the school either as part of a small group, a bespoke tour or as part of the Open Morning programme which was successfully piloted in November 2015. The school has two entry points at Class 7 and Class 8 only.

Benchmarked with the world’s leading youth leadership programmes, this dynamic and thought provoking leadership programme will be a blend of Socratic dialogues, leadership case studies, creative experiential learning, motivational lectures, outdoor adventures, self-reflection and group interaction. A critically important element will be social service and social responsibility, and their relationship with leadership. This programme will ensure that boys and girls receive a profound understanding of what successful leadership is all about and what is required to demonstrate it in the twenty-first century in the context to developing society and an increasingly globalized world. The course will be taught by specialist staff from Aspire, in conjunction with the teaching community from The Doon School.

“The Doon School has long been associated with innovative thinking and leadership and is passionate about being at the forefront of educational opportunity for its students. The Summer at Doon leadership programme builds naturally on The Doon School’s mission since its founding in 1935, which is ‘to attract and develop exceptional students and teachers from all backgrounds to serve a meritocratic India; inspire them to be just and ethical citizens; train them to be wise and principled leaders; and prepare them to enter one of the strongest fraternities – for life.’ said Dr Peter McLaughlin, Headmaster, The Doon School.

The course opened in 2014 and received rave reviews. A past parent has said, “My daughter was overwhelmed with emotion, when they took part in a community service project to a village adopted by the school. She participated in building a brick house and toilet for an old widow living alone with her granddaughter in a thatched hut without a toilet. It is not just about teaching them to fulfill their aspirations, but about them developing a sense of gratitude for what they have. No words can thank you for your initiative and vision.”


The Doon School offers the Indian School Certificate and the IB at Class 11 and 12. Indian boys apply from all over India and from outside of the country. The school specializes in being an all boys’ boarding school and boys apply to top universities in India as well as Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada as well as Russell Group universities in the UK and Ivy League and well known liberal arts and colleges in the US.

Boys also take part in an extensive student exchange programme with schools from Australia and Singapore to the UK and US.

The school has a whole school approach to social service and leadership within its curriculum. Its alumni feature past pupils who have made their mark in all areas of professional life, from politics to the arts. The school launched its ‘Summer at Doon Leadership’ programme in June 2014.

The Doon School is in membership of HMC and the International Boys School Coalition.

Please view the school website

 Registration Opens for the Summer Leadership Programme at The Doon School, Dehradun