Political Parties must not create controversies to gain political benefits: Anuja Kapur

 February 19 2016,  14.50 PM IST || Pocket News Alert

If it was the protest against the hanging of Yakub Memon at University of Hyderabad, it was the issue of Afzal Guru’s hanging that led to a controversy at the Jawaharlal University which shouldn’t have been done. Over the past 9-10 days people of our country is talking about the JNU controversy. People of every category, religion, caste are willingly or unwillingly are getting into this controversy.

Political Parties must not create controversies to gain political benefits: Anuja Kapur

        Speaking on this issue famous Criminal Psychologist Mrs. Anuja Kapur requests to the people of country that, “what is presently happening in the country is not at all right it is truly unconstitutional. Some people raised the anti-national slogans creating unwanted atmosphere in the country. The issue of protesting the judicial killings of Afzal guru and Maqbool Bhat should not be plannned as there was no need to go against those who had attacked the Parliament of our country. Why there was the need of the marking the death anniversary of Afzal Guru? Why there was the need to raise the anti national slogans in the University campus where the students from the different part of the world come to study, come with their dreams? We belong to the country who is known for its diversity the constitution of India also gives the freedom of expression to express your views but raise the anti national slogans is not the freedom of expression in any sense.  Students’ union of Universities should not raise these issues in the college campuses. They need to raise the internal issues of the universities instead of this use less topics.

          Some political parties are portraying this issue in wrong sense to gain the political benefits, but citizens of India need to understand the fact that these political parties are raising these issues just to diverse the attention of the people from other real issues. To blame only one political party will not be right almost every political party is creating issues just to gain public attention and tarnishing the image of India. I would like to request all the political parties that stop creating controversies just to gain some personal political benefits, we are the people of the largest democracy and we are the people of a nation who are known for its diversity not for these controversies. These incidents are vitiating our country’s image globally. Therefore, we need to understand that we people should not crib on these issues instead of fighting over these issues we need to work for the humanity, prosperity to live with the unity.”