Maharashtra College Revives Literary Gathering of Urdu Poets, Writers

 February 10 2016,  17.26 PM IST || Pocket News Alert

On Saturday evening Maharashtra College Auditorium became the hub for noted and upcoming Urdu poets and writers as it revived the age old tradition of “Sheri Nashists”, in Mumbai and was decided to hold every month.

The College Urdu Association “Bazme Urdu” along with Urdu Writers Association “Naya Wark” initiated the programme which was immediately endorsed by The College Management Jt. General Secretary Dr. Munawar Ali Razvi and the Principal Dr. Sirajuddin Chougle.  This shall become a monthly affair from now on in Maharashtra College. The presence of the College Management Vice President Professor N H Kalaniya and Dr. Munawar Ali Razvi was itself an assurance for the future continuation of this literary meet. Along with the Principal the Vice Principal Dr. Qayum Ansari was also present. Prof. Azfar Khan of the Urdu department coordinated the programme. Maharashtra College takes pride that it has given many poets and writers to Urdu literature.

The evening was dedicated to Mushaf Iqbal Tausifi, a noted Urdu poet and critic from Hyderabad who was visiting Mumbai after a long time was also felicitated. Senior poet Shamim Abbas presided over the program as noted scriptwriter Javed Siddique welcomed the guest.  The program was divided in two parts, in the first half introduction and interaction with the poet and critic Mushaf Iqbal Tausifi and thereafter poetry recitation by poets. Prof. Ilyas Shauki a noted poet and a critic and retired Head of Urdu, Maharashtra College introduced Mr. Mushaf Iqbal Tausifi to the audience in brief. Thereafter the stage was given to Mr. Mushaf Iqbal Tausifi who took the audience down the memory lane about his life. Born in Badayuni in Uttar Pradesh but settled in Hyderabad and in print since   1970, Mushaf Iqbal Tausifi interacting with the audience   about his writing and life with wit and humor.

The presentation of poems by noted poets started after Mushaf Iqbal Tausifi finished his interaction. Prof. Alam Nadvi, a poet and sketch writer and junior College Supervisor of the College anchored the session. The gathering had luminaries like famous Hindi film script writer Javed Siddique, noted Urdu poet and Professor Kasim Imam, established children poetry writer and banker Attaur Rehman Tariq, Ahmed Sooz, young and well known Maharashtra College ex-students poets Obaid Azam  Azmi, Syed Riyaz, Ejaz Hindi, Mehboob Alam, and Mohammed Husain Kavish along with Prof Ilyas Shauki, Prof Alam Nadvi  and Dr. Munawar Ali Razvi also rendered their  poem which was lauded by the audience.

The audience enjoyed a well scripted mehfil of Urdu poetry. The thirst for literature in this city’s hectic life shall be taken care off in the future by Maharashtra College.

Maharashtra College Revives Literary Gathering of Urdu Poets, Writers
Maharashtra College Revives Literary Gathering of Urdu Poets, Writers  

Maharashtra College Revives Literary Gathering of Urdu Poets, Writers

Maharashtra College Revives Literary Gathering of Urdu Poets, Writers

Maharashtra College Revives Literary Gathering of Urdu Poets, Writers

Maharashtra College Revives Literary Gathering of Urdu Poets, Writers