February 11 2016, 10.41 AM IST || Pocket News Alert
Jalandhar 10, Feb 2016: Jaypee Hospital, a Multi Super Speciality Hospital in Sector 128 Noida, organised Kidney and Liver disease awareness talk in Jalandhar. Dr. Abhideep Chaudhary, Liver Transplant Surgeon and Dr. Amit K. Devra, Senior Consultant, Department of Urology educated the residents of Jalandhar about Chronic liver and kidney diseases.
According to the recent data presented by World Health Organisation (WHO) around two lakh people die every year due to liver ailments. Out of which around 25,000 people’s lives can be saved by liver transplant, but unfortunately at present only 1,800 liver transplants happens every year.
While addressing the audience, Dr. Abhideep Chaudhary, shared “Alcoholic cirrhosis represents the most common cause of cirrhosis and accounts for 40% of liver deaths from cirrhosis. Among the many causes behind liver ailments, infected viral hepatitis C (Kalapilia) is also one of the major cause in North India, particularly Punjab.”
Dr. Abhideep Chaudhary, further added by saying “Fatty Liver disease is the third most common cause of chronic liver disease. The incidence is rising and as per data it affects 1 in 6 individuals. . Fatty liver is a reversible condition only with timely medical intervention and change in lifestyle. If ignored, it can affect the functioning of the liver causing irreversible damage. In that case, liver transplant becomes the only option. It is necessary to avoid intake of alcohol and indulge in a healthy and nutritious diet along with regular exercise in order to prevent liver diseases. Besides, it is also important to have timely hepatitis vaccine.”
On the occasion, Dr. Amit K. Devra, talked about the burden of chronic kidney disease and end stage renal disease (ESRD) in our country, especially in North India. He discussed the treatment modalities available for these patients. He elucidated , “Around 2,20,000 to 2,50,000 people faces kidney failure and out of this number only 65,000 patients avail dialysis facility and only 3-4 thousand patients are able to save their lives by kidney transplant because of nonavailability of donor in the family.”
He further added by saying. “In cases of kidney failure, the best treatment modality is kidney transplant. It is always good to first look for a family donor. In case the blood group of the family donor does not match, then the other option is through donor swapping between two families. In some patients with a available family donor but the blood groups is not matching, ABO INCOMPATAIBLE kidney transplant can be done which was not possible earlier. “
Dr. Abhideep Chaudhary added to it by saying, “We have successfully treated end stage liver disease patients who did not have suitable donors with ABO-incompatible liver Transplant. We strictly follow international guidelines and treatment protocols to ensure success. Although blood compatible liver transplant is always preferred, ABO-incompatible transplant is the option for patients who do not have a blood group matching donor in the family. Long term result of ABO-incompatible transplant is similar to routine compatible transplant.”
Liver transplantation is possible due to the amazing regenerative capacity of human liver. Both donor and recipient eventually lead normal lives post procedure and the donor is usually discharged within 7-10 days. The donor can resume the job in 6 weeks and thereafter special precautions are needed for donor. Most liver transplant recipients are able to return to a normal and healthy lifestyle.
Jaypee Hospital will also open its OPD centres in Jalandhar. Jaypee Hospital is one of the few hospitals in the north India to provide the specialized services. It is the leading healthcare provider with most advanced technology, infrastructure setup and affordability.
Highlighting the growing incidence of Liver and Kidney problems, the talk was followed by CME for local doctors to make them aware of the preventive measures and latest procedures followed in liver and kidney transplant.