HolidayIQ launches #VaranaSee India’s largest crowd-sourced video from HolidayIQ’s latest app feature ‘Video Reviews’

February 19 2016,  17.50 PM IST || Pocket News Alert

Chandigarh, February 19, 2016: HolidayIQ, India's largest travel community launched #VaranaSee, India’s first ever crowdsourced video featuring the unexplored treasures of Varanasi. For the first time, more than 6000 students of IIT BHU participated in a treasure hunt, discovering the hidden gems of the oldest inhabited city. Over 1000 videos were submitted through the latest video review feature on the HolidayIQ app. To view the final film, click here - #VaranaSee

HolidayIQ launches #VaranaSee India’s largest crowd-sourced video from HolidayIQ’s latest app feature ‘Video Reviews’

The initiative is another innovative way of letting people discover the myriad aspects that makes every city unique. Students from IIT BHU were invited to shoot their perspectives of the city of Varanasi in whatever format they wished and were asked to submit video reviews to HolidayIQ. The winners whose videos will be part of the crowdsourced video, will also receive rewards worth Rs. 50,000.

Hari Nair, Founder and CEO, HolidayIQ while unveiling the video said “We are overwhelmed with the response #VaranaSee has received. It presents a compelling narrative of an iconic city through the eyes of the next generation. We are excited to introduce new technology and content innovation in a format that has not been explored before. The resounding success of this campaign will help us take it to other parts of the country uncovering more insightful aspects India.”

The #VaranaSee campaign saw enthusiastic responses from the students of IIT BHU who filmed their way through the given time period, discovering sightseeing options of the old city through the latest video reviews feature in the HolidayIQ app. These video reviews by the students brought out the best of the spiritual capital of India - from graffiti art by world renowned artists to the serene Assi Ghat, Kashi Vishwanath temple and Daswamedh Ghat and lesser told stories including quaint stores, people and of course food.

Voicing his opinion on HolidayIQ’s latest app feature ‘Video Reviews’, Pranu Palakurthy, a second year student from the mechanical engineering department said, “This is a well thought-through innovation by HolidayIQ, aiming to offer first hand, visual experience of the destination and sightseeing. While the curated travel content integrated in the HolidayIQ app is helpful, video content has higher engagement than that of text. It is a commendable effort by the HolidayIQ to provide access to a large database of travel information, in the form of video reviews. With this smart feature that allows to shoot a video, to review a hotel, destination or journey solely through the HolidayIQ app, there will surely be more people wanting to travel within the country.”
•Click here for video reviews by students -