Central Cottage Industries "FURNITURE" Exhibition cum sale

February 16 2016,  12.01 PM IST || Pocket News Alert

In an endeavour to promote the Indian handicrafts and Handlooms and to showcase the rich heritage of India.  Central Cottage Industries Corporation of India, A Government of India Undertaking, Ministry of Textiles, (CCIE) is organising an EXHIBITION AND SALE OF EXCLUSIVE DELHI FURNITURE, till 21st February 2016 at our HSR BDA Layout showroom, Bengaluru.

inaugurated By: Ms. Seema Gowda - Model & Actor

The art and craft of the country are truly rich and diverse, but are often inaccessible to many, and to bring these diverse art forms under one roof was the challenge taken by Central Cottage Industries Emporium New Delhi with its Branches at Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Kolkatta.

On display for the exhibition are oriental furniture from Delhi, Jodhpur furniture, hand crafted wooden furniture from Saharanpur, exquisite dhokra brass craft, art furniture from Bastar in M.P.,Wood carving from Jaipur Tamilnadu, marble stone from Agra and more.

In textiles the rich weaving tradition of India is represented in the wide range of handloom and cotton saris and dress material from Jaipur, west Bengal, chicken embroidered kurtas from Lucknow, silk kurtas, jackets, silk scarves and pashmina shawls from Kashmir to name a few.

Showroom at HSR BDA Complex, will be opened from 11.00 am to 8.00 pm on all days.

Central Cottage Industries "FURNITURE" Exhibition cum sale

Central Cottage Industries "FURNITURE" Exhibition cum sale

Central Cottage Industries "FURNITURE" Exhibition cum sale

Central Cottage Industries "FURNITURE" Exhibition cum sale

Central Cottage Industries "FURNITURE" Exhibition cum sale

Central Cottage Industries "FURNITURE" Exhibition cum sale

Central Cottage Industries "FURNITURE" Exhibition cum sale

Central Cottage Industries "FURNITURE" Exhibition cum sale