February 3 2016, 15.35 PM IST || Pocket News Alert
Survey Unveils Nine Factors That Help Make It Twice as Likely to Achieve Business Growth,
Such As Stakeholder Education and Cultural Harmony
Mumbai, February 3, 2016 – According to the results of a new global study commissioned by CA Technologies (NASDAQ: CA), a majority (69 percent) of organizations in the Asia Pacific and Japan region (APJ) have implemented DevOps*. In fact, 15 percent of these DevOps practitioners have already reached advanced levels of adoption.
The study, titled “Assembling the DevOps Jigsaw,” found that advanced DevOps adopters were more likely to report that their digital initiatives contributed to competitiveness, customer retention and top- and bottom-line results. Across the globe, organizations with DevOps maturity were twice as likely to have seen a positive impact on revenue growth and 2.4 times more likely to have experienced higher profit growth. In APJ, compared to those who have not implemented DevOps, advanced DevOps adopters were:
· 3 times more likely to have seen progress on market share
· 2.3 times more likely to have seen improvements in customer profitability
· 2.2 times more likely to have seen improvements in customer retention
· 2.2 times more likely to have seen new income streams
· 2 times more likely to have seen improvements in customer acquisition
“DevOps adoption across APJ is growing fast. It is already on par with Europe and getting very close to the Americas,” said Ashok Vasan, vice president, Application Delivery, Asia Pacific & Japan, CA Technologies. “However, companies could do more to advance their level of adoption. To fully harness the potential of DevOps, organizations need to skill-up IT and ensure that the necessary enablers are in place to support collaboration and continuous innovation. For example, CA’s DevOps solutions and agile methodology enable businesses to develop swiftly, test automatically and release rapidly, driving competitive advantage in an app-centric business landscape.”
To maximize DevOps effectiveness, there are nine key factors required though few have actually done all of them, based on feedback from respondents in the study.
· For example, even though DevOps is seen as a key component to driving business agility and keeping up with customer demands, only a little over half (52 percent) of the respondents who have implemented DevOps in APJ have a well-defined DevOps strategy and objectives.
· Also, with 44 percent of DevOps practitioners in the region still working on security and compliance, most DevOps activities are still not well supported from an enabling platform and risk management perspective.
· Furthermore, while 87 percent of APJ respondents considered business stakeholder education to be important, and 85 percent recognized the importance of ensuring adequate knowledge of business priorities within IT, only 31 percent of adopters in APJ have completed these steps.
· Successfully fostering teamwork remains a significant barrier to DevOps success. Respondents in APJ found the breaking down of cultural barriers between Dev and Ops teams to be the most challenging task, with a mere 26 percent having achieved cultural harmony within IT.
Besides the above factors, cross functional IT processes, relevant IT knowledge and skills, right infrastructure and tooling, and right suppliers and support are the other four pieces to assemble an amazing DevOps practice.
Assembling all of the pieces of the DevOps jigsaw puzzle undeniably requires time, effort and careful planning, but the results are worth it. With overall DevOps adoption already on an upward trend in APJ, and practitioners eager to improve, organizations are certainly making steady progress and the future of DevOps in the region looks to be a promising one.
· Research Paper: Assembling the DevOps Jigsaw
· Infographic: Do You Have All the Pieces of the DevOps Jigsaw in Place?
Survey Methodology
The global online survey of 1,442 senior IT and business executives was sponsored by CA Technologies and conducted by industry analyst firm Freeform Dynamics in July 2015. It was augmented by in-depth telephone interviews with key industry executives. *Note that DevOps adoption rates may skew higher due to self-selection bias in the sample. For full survey methodology details, see the report “Assembling the DevOps Jigsaw”.