Aermed, a healthcare assistant app for ordering medicines and lab tests

Fast and cheap delivery, no minimum order value constrain, refills and reminders

 February 19 2016,  14.21 PM IST || Pocket News Alert

Aermed, a healthcare assistant app for ordering medicines and lab tests

New Delhi, February 19, 2016: Aermed is a mobile healthcare assistant designed for chronic patients such as diabetics & cardiac patients. It provides you a single dashboard to manage all your condition requirements and track your progress over time. Its services are currently available in New Delhi only. Aermed delivers it to you really fast and really cheap. Don't bother about the minimum order size or the minimum order value because Aermed delivers even one item or many without any minimum order value constraint. Aermed claims not to be one of those apps/service that just delivers medicine; Aermed is like an extended family that ensures its users are healthy and hassle-free. With Aermed, users just need to a click a photo of their prescription and leave the rest to the servicing team.

Some key benefits of using Aermed includes, medicine ordering, lab tests ordering and diet counselling. The app gives its users useful tips on healthy living and an access to track their health progress on automatic charts which they may share with their loved ones. Aermed buys the medicines itself thus minimizing risk of fake or spurious medicines. Aermed only supplies the best and most trusted medicines and is a trusted pharmacy partner.

Mr. Ashish Prakash, Co-Founder, Aermed said “Aermed is a mobile healthcare assistant designed for chronic patients such as diabetics & cardiac patients. It provides you a single dashboard to manage all your condition requirements and track your progress over time. Don't bother about the minimum order size or the minimum order value because Aermed delivers even one item or many without any minimum order value constraint. Online ordering on Aermed is everybody's piece of cake!”

With Aermed, users can avail a free diet counselling from its in-house star nutritionist on their first order and get customized diet charts based on their health condition. For online lab test ordering, users can order from the comfort of their home and Aermed’s trained phlebotomist will do a home pickup of sample at a convenient time.