Retailers to help consumers leverage True 4G advantage

January 31 2016,  17.49 PM IST || Pocket News Alert

AIMRA to undertake True 4G awareness campaign for retailers and consumers
As the latest technology to engulf the Indian markets, 4G has already started making waves all over the country. Various cellphone service providers have launched 4G services in select states and regional markets, hoping to make the most of the first mover advantage. However, those who know the field well, know the difference between having a 4G connection and a ‘True 4G’ experience.

Thus, the All India Mobile Retailers Association (AIMRA) has initiated a drive to educate its members – the retailers – on what a ‘True 4G’ experience constitutes and which technology is necessary to have ‘True 4G’. Retailers will be informed that ensuring your device has the VoLTE technology is the key to having the ‘True 4G’ experience.

As a part of the drive, the association plans to conduct events, seminars, and live demonstrations for the retailers. They will also come out with a wide range of communication to help illustrate the concept of True 4G. These will be displayed at prominent locations at retail counters so that the message can be passed on to the consumers as well.

‘True 4G’ symbol will be used to mark all such communication and would be used to familiarize the consumer at large about True 4G credentials assured through technologies such as VoLTE, VoWi-Fi, and eMBMS.

The awareness drive is considered necessary in view of the launch of VoLTE-enabled 4G phones in the smartphone market. These are different from the ordinary ones that only have basic technology to deliver hi-speed data on 4G-LTE (Long-term evolution) network, and were first to hit the market. When VoLTE-enabled smartphones are launched, consumers are going to ask which one should they buy. Once told about the benefits of True 4G, consumers will prefer to buy the True 4G phones and retailers could end up with inventory of normal 4G phones. For, generally speaking, the retailers act as a guide and enabler of choices for their consumer.

Speaking about AIMRA’s role in the True 4G awareness campaign, Mr. Arvinder Khurana, National President, AIMRA said, “AIMRA is committed to bringing benefits of latest developments to all stakeholders in the mobile industry. We want to ensure that consumers are always aware about the latest technologies available in the market so that they always take an informed decision while purchasing devices. Through this campaign we believe retailers will be better informed about the key differentiators between VoLTE and non-VoLTE devices and will therefore be able to provide accurate guidance to consumers.”

‘True 4G’ pertains not just to the 4G network but also to having the technologies such as VoLTE, VoWi-Fi, and eMBMS in your smartphone. These will allow users to make voice calls in HD quality, have 7-way audio conferencing, make videocalls and organize 4-way video conferencing, simultaneous talk and surf function, and make calls directly using the Wi-Fi connection. Leading device makers such as LG, Lenovo, Micromax, LYF and Intex have started introducing VoLTE/VoWi-Fi-enabled 4G devices in the market while others are expected to join the bandwagon soon.

Thus, AIMRA’s campaign will help lead the consumers towards devices that can give ‘True 4G’ experience, by using the ‘True 4G’ symbol on those that fulfill the criteria.

Retailers to help consumers leverage True 4G advantage