January 22 2016, 14.55 PM IST || Pocket Press Release
Bangalore: 5 years ago when Hari Prasad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement, he had never thought that one day he’ll be able to take a road trip again with his wife. An avid traveller, Hari Prasad is leaving for a road trip on 22nd January with his wife after battling with Parkinson’s disease for almost 6 years. Planning to cover 6000 kilometres from Bangalore to Thimpu (Bhutan) and back over a period of 41 days, Hari Prasad is a true inspiration to all.
In 2009, Hari Prasad, first felt increased tremors in his left hand and associated slowness in his movements on the left side. He visited Columbia Asia Referral Hospital, Yeshwanthpur for consultation. Since there was a family history of tremors, and the present tremors did not really affect his day to day activities, it was decided that he is observed over the next few months
“However, in the next one year, Hari’s tremors in the left hand increased along with slowness of gait and movement in his left hand. We informed Hari that he was suffering with Parkinson’s disease and was put on medications. He responded well to the medications and he could cope up with his professional life,” said Dr. Guruprasad Hosurkar, Consultant Neurology, Columbia Asia Referral Hospital, Yeshwanthpur.
However, things changed for the worse for Hari Prasad.
“By 2011, my tremors had progressed to the right sided limbs with further worsening of body movements. I could not work properly or sit for long meetings. It was difficult for me to drive. Even for day-today activities like shaving or dressing I required help,” said Hari Prasad.
As the disease seemed to be progressing, Hari’s medications were optimized and Levodopa was introduced at this stage. Meanwhile, Hari had started experiencing fatigue, obsessive symptoms and hallucinations. His left hand tremors and stiffness had worsened his condition.
“By 2014, I started experiencing motor fluctuations. I had to take a break from work because of my condition. It had become very difficult for me to cope with the disease,” added Hari.
“Hari had also developed involuntary movement of his upper trunk and neck during the effect of the medication. In January 2015, Hari also complained of sleep issues and loss of concentration. That is when we suggested DBS surgery and explained to Hari about the benefits it will bring in his condition,” said Dr. Raghuram G, Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spine surgeon, Columbia Asia Hospitals
Hari underwent bilateral STN DBS in March 2015.
“Hari responded well to the surgery and the post DBS programming was initiated after a week. It took two weeks for the parameters to settle and he responded to the stimulation really well. His symptoms of Parkinson’s diseases including tremors, slowness and stiffness stopped and his gait improved significantly,” added Dr. Raghuram.
Awareness about Parkinson’s disease is very low among patients and general practitioners and often the disease is detected at an advanced stage. “According to a new research, DBS can be opted within one year if the patient shows symptoms of medication related complications. Hari who could had trouble eating, or dressing up is going on a road trip today with his wife. DBS has become one of the most effective treatment modalities in Parkinson’s disease. It not only improves most of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease but also minimises drug related side effects and impacts the quality of life significantly,” said Dr. Guruprasad. While DBS ensures quality life for patients, not many opt for this, due to low awareness level.
The DBS surgery impacted Hari’s quality of life significantly. After the surgery, he has been able to travel alone and with his family within the country and abroad. Hari Prasad is on minimal medication ever since.